“What’s Your Ancestry?”

Rachelle C Davis
money talk
Published in
2 min readJun 17, 2021
Rachelle is pictured with goats at a local family farm in Texas
In touch with my earthy roots.

It’s not a tough question for most people.

But I wasn’t really sure how to answer it.

“Some type of British, I think…

And I know I’m 1/32nd Native American.”

I haven’t done one of those DNA genealogy tests or anything.

But I do remember family life when I was growing up:

Days out at the farm on hot Oklahoma summer days…

My grandpa tilling the wheat…

My grandma watering the produce and picking okra, potatoes, tomatoes…

The cherry tree in the backyard that she used for homemade cherry pies.

For more background info on my memories growing up, check out my short one minute video:

At first glance, my current life doesn’t look anything like theirs.

I spend all day inside on a laptop, writing and working on projects.

But every time I post a piece of strategic content…

I’m effectively planting digital seeds online.

When people hear about me and want to work with me…

I’m reaping my harvest.

Perhaps we’re not so different after all.

It’s just not quite as hot and sweaty for me :-)

I’m teaching my tips for planting seeds online with strategic content:

It’s all in my free VIP newsletter.

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It shows you how my client went from 0–6 figures with strategic content ranking #1 on YouTube on Google.

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Rachelle C Davis
money talk

Hi it’s me, your new favorite copywriter. I've built a 34k+ TikTok following as the Side Hustle Guinea Pig. I work with some of the best marketers in the world.