Cryptocurrency & Politics

Edward Snowden Is At It Again

This time the whistleblower is calling the DOJ’s bluff on their $4.5 billion Bitcoin seizure

Alex Bentley
Money vs. Machine
Published in
3 min readFeb 10, 2022


Whistleblower Edward Snowden alleges DOJ isn’t telling the whole truth about the $4.5 bilion Bitcoin seizure. Image Credit: The Mobile Indian.
Image Credit: The Mobile Indian

Edward Snowden is at it again.

Although many people hate Snowden, I’m glad he’s still around to call bullshit when he sees it.

This time, the former CIA analyst and whistleblower has gone on Twitter to claim that the Department of Justice isn’t telling the whole truth about the recent seizure of 94K BTC from the Cloud.

The DOJ arrested two people in connection with the stolen bitcoins they seized. One of those individuals is Ilya Lichtenstein — better known as Dutch Lichtenstein on social media. Who claims on his Twitter profile that he’s a Web3 developer and entrepreneur.

As Snowden points out in his tweet, Lichtenstein seems to know a thing or two about cyber security and cryptocurrencies.

So how did the DOJ hack into the Cloud?



Alex Bentley
Money vs. Machine

I write about crypto, personal finance, business & tech. Also, I publish a bit of humor to make you laugh.