Here’s Why I Hate Decentraland

But will still invest in the metaverse project

Alex Bentley
Money vs. Machine


Screenshot from the blockchain game, Decentraland.

My Journey Into The Metaverse

Okay, so I finally jumped into the metaverse fray.

By actually creating an account and avatar in Decentraland.

Intending to play the blockchain game to see why everyone has been raving about this metaverse project.

Instantly, the game reminded me of The Sims.

Except—where is my f*cking house?

Oh, that’s right! I have to buy LAND in Decentraland.

I’m not automatically assigned a small plot of land. Even if it’s only a measly piece of virtual dirt.

After linking my Metamask account to the browser-based blockchain game, I’m transported to a welcome center.

And when I got there, a bunch of other new users were just standing around trying to figure out what to do next.

In fact, one user made this comment in the chat window on my second session:

What do we do with this thing?

So, obviously, Decentraland needs to do a better job at onboarding users.



Alex Bentley
Money vs. Machine

I write about crypto, personal finance, business & tech. Also, I publish a bit of humor to make you laugh.