
How I Made An Easy $1 Million Per Month From The Stock Market

It all comes down to the secret ingredients in my sauce

Alex Bentley
Money vs. Machine
Published in
7 min readJun 30, 2022


Original Photo via Unsplash

By now, I’m sure you’ve scoured the Internet looking for a way to make money from the stock market.

Maybe you’ve read article after article or watched hundreds of YouTube videos. All to come up empty-handed and waste countless hours on broken promises.

We all know those traders who write about getting rich or talk about it on YouTube are full of themselves.

But what happened in the end? You traded in your valuable time looking for a solid investment strategy to get rich fast, but got nothing in return.

That’s why I’m here to reveal my stock trading secrets to you, showing you the exact methodology of how I crushed the living daylights out of Wall Street.

Every stock trader starts with no experience.

I started trading stocks when I was just a young pup right out of college.

I was fresh out of school with no real job prospects, so I figured I would take my chances in the stock market. However, just a few months in, I learned my Economics professors were dead wrong about stocks.



Alex Bentley
Money vs. Machine

I write about crypto, personal finance, business & tech. Also, I publish a bit of humor to make you laugh.