Telling People You’ll Keep Buying Bitcoin or a Specific Altcoin Is Like Masturbating In Public

And all we do is stand by, watching these exhibitionists with their pants down around their ankles

Alex Bentley
Money vs. Machine


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In the crypto space, no matter if it’s a bear market or a bull market, I always see one popular trend happening.

And no, it’s not HODLing. It’s not even bragging about how much money you’ve made on your investment.

It’s this.

It’s people proclaiming they will continue buying a specific crypto, like ETH, BTC, or XRP, no matter what the market does. I see it all the time on Twitter, Reddit, and other places online. And to be honest, it’s really annoying.

Now, I’m not saying that you shouldn’t buy crypto or that you should sell all your crypto if the market crashes. That’s your decision to make. What you do with your money is always your responsibility.

What I am saying is that constantly pumping a coin or token is like masturbating in public.

It’s tacky. It’s attention-seeking behavior. And it makes you look foolish.



Alex Bentley
Money vs. Machine

I write about crypto, personal finance, business & tech. Also, I publish a bit of humor to make you laugh.