Introducing the MongoDB Masters Program for 2018

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3 min readJun 11, 2018


My name is Michael Lynn and I’m the Worldwide Director of Developer Advocacy at MongoDB. I’m incredibly proud to be a part of the Developer Relations and Marketing team here at MongoDB.

A majority of what we do in Developer Advocacy is related to increasing awareness of MongoDB within the community of developers and data scientists. We do this through involvement in a variety of user groups, industry conferences, and events as well as through management of the MongoDB Masters Program.

This program was created to recognize leaders within their community, experts in MongoDB, and professionals who freely share their knowledge. This year’s class includes returning Masters, as well as new members who have distinguished themselves in the past year.

MongoDB Masters in years past have provided valuable product feedback and driven thought leadership in their fields. We look forward to deepening this relationship over the coming year. This year’s class of Masters will also be encouraged to participate in beta testing programs, share their experiences with MongoDB, and continue to expand and broaden their own voices as leaders in the technical community.

The Masters program has been an incredibly rewarding and valuable program for MongoDB and we greatly appreciate the efforts of our most vocal, and most active supporters. This is why we’ve put so much time and effort into creating a program to recognize these individuals and thank them for their contributions.

Master Honorees enjoy benefits ranging from access to the MongoDB Engineering and Product Management teams to discounted MongoDB Atlas Credits.

Preparations are underway for the MongoDB Masters Summit, which will be held on Tuesday, June 26th as part of MongoDB World 2018. We’ll have several speakers and a special Q&A session with Eliot Horowitz, our Co-Founder, and CTO. We encourage all members of our community to register for MongoDB World 2018, meet the Masters in person, and join our Advocacy Hub to start their own path to becoming a MongoDB Master.

So, all this talk of Masters — how, you might be thinking, do I become a Master?

Before I dive into an explanation of the requirements, please take a moment to review the bios of some of the existing Masters. You’ll easily spot some things in common across all of these incredibly talented and accomplished individuals.


Masters are passionate about technology and about solutions to technical problems. This passion drives these individuals to do things that few technologists will do. While this attribute is common among the existing and past Masters, it’s not easy to measure. You know it when you see it and it’s woven into the careers of many of the people I’ve encountered surrounding this program.


If passion is fuel, then impact is fire. Impact is the result of the passionate pursuit of worthy causes. Again, this is an attribute easily found in common across our Masters membership. Measuring impact is also difficult because in many cases, especially when dealing with the Masters, the impact of their actions, projects, and even their careers is widespread. Masters are individuals that positively impact their families, teams, companies, and their communities.


Execution is the spark that ignites fire. Elegant, efficient and effective solutions to technical challenges rarely, if ever, happen by accident. Rather, truly successful solutions require intelligent, deliberate execution — and in most cases, hard work. I strongly encourage you to spend time with any of the Masters and it will become clear that these individuals know how to execute. They know how to get things accomplished.

These are the attributes of a MongoDB Master and to achieve membership, an individual should be passionate about great technology and about solving technical problems. These individuals should have demonstrated, through successful execution, a massively beneficial impact on their company, team and/or community.

Are you interested in becoming a MongoDB Master, or do you think you may already meet the requirements? I would like to invite you to join us at MongoDB World in New York to learn more; consider completing the nomination form below to have yourself or a colleague considered for a MongoDB Masters membership.

MongoDB Masters membership nomination →

Originally published at




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