5 steps to manage the power of Cross-Team Collaboration

Ramesh Kumar
Mongrov, Inc
Published in
2 min readSep 24, 2018

Creating a cross-team collaboration within one’s company proves to be a winning step for the organization with the experts of all the departments coming together to lend in their expertise and knowledge. However one needs to invest in ways how to make the most of the collaboration and achieve the goals set for the project.

1. Have a leader who can lead

Having experts from various departments can prove fruitful but at the same time, create confusion and ego issues when the ideas and suggestions clash. Here, an effective and determined leader will help in smoothing the ruffles and ensure the project moves in the right direction, at the right pace.

2. Work on building relations between the members

Since the members are experts of their departments and fairly unknown to each other, it is crucial to help them connect and know one another. Having an icebreaker session, small get- together and some mingling time before the commencement of the project would be beneficial.

3. Have the goals clear

In order to succeed in the given project, the head has to be clear with the goals and have them defined for the members. In most cases, collaborations tend to fail and stray away from the guidelines, not meeting the budget or the time frame. Here, having clear goals and the stamps to achieve them will help in achieving success.

4. Define each person’s role and duties

The leader has to not only be clear with the goals but has to also make sure that each member of the team is aware of their roles and responsibilities. Once the members know what is expected of them, they are able to perform better.

5. Use tools that will help in improving cross-team collaboration

In the world of technology and high speed and efficient tools like Mongrov will help you in improving the collaboration that has been created with the sole intention of succeeding in the project. The tools will help the leader in assigning tasks, checking in the progress; assure easier updates by the department heads and easy communication between the members.

By utilizing the best tools, the leader can make sure that the members have an easy communication medium and ask and discuss issues and progress at their convenience.

For a cross-team collaboration to succeed, it is important that there is no confusion or conflict between its members and by following these steps, the leader will be able to utilize on the power of the cross-team collaboration.

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