Indoor location tracking — BLE-based solution

Sriudayakumar Rajendiran
Mongrov, Inc
Published in
1 min readFeb 29, 2024

Indoor location tracking has become an essential aspect in various industries, including retail, healthcare, and logistics. With the advancement of technology, businesses are now able to track the movement of people and assets within indoor spaces accurately and efficiently. One popular solution for indoor location tracking is the use of Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) technology.

BLE is a wireless communication technology that consumes minimal power, making it ideal for indoor location tracking. It allows devices to communicate with each other over short distances, typically within a range of 100 meters. By leveraging BLE beacons strategically placed throughout a facility, businesses can accurately track the location of people or assets in real-time.

The implementation of a BLE-based solution for indoor location tracking involves three main components:

  • BLE beacons
  • Mobile devices
  • Tracking platform.

BLE beacons are small devices that transmit signals at regular intervals. These signals are then received by mobile devices equipped with BLE capabilities. The tracking platform collects and processes the data received from the beacons, enabling businesses to monitor and analyze the location information.

