Indoor location tracking — UWB-based solution Part (1/3)

Sriudayakumar Rajendiran
Mongrov, Inc
Published in
1 min readApr 2, 2024

What is UWB?

Ultra WideBand Positioning (UWB Positioning) is one of the most recent indoor positioning technologies to emerge. It is a wireless communication technology that uses a wide spectrum of frequency bands to transmit data over short distances with high precision.

Unlike traditional wireless technologies like Wi-Fi or Bluetooth, which operate in narrower frequency bands, UWB can provide highly accurate location data in indoor environments, making it an ideal solution for indoor location tracking.

How Does UWB-Based Indoor Location Tracking Work?

UWB technology relies on measuring the time it takes for signals to travel between devices. By using multiple UWB-equipped devices, such as smartphones or tags, and strategically placing UWB anchors throughout a space, businesses can create a precise indoor positioning system.

These UWB anchors act as reference points, and when a UWB-equipped device moves within the range of these anchors, the system can calculate the device’s exact location based on the time it takes for the signals to travel. This allows for accurate indoor tracking, even in complex environments like warehouses, hospitals, or retail stores.

