Roadblocks to creative collaboration and how to avoid them

Ramesh Kumar
Mongrov, Inc
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2018

Have you ever wondered why is it that some teams are successful whereas some are always struggling? What is it that makes a winning team? There are multiple factors, but let me take you through one of the most important one i.e collaboration. Inspiration should be drawn from the winning football teams who exude the flavour of collaborations and team spirit leading to victory. It’s the perfect alignment of clear expectations, target achievement and team synchronization in entirety that makes a creative collaboration. However, one cannot deny the roadblocks which hamper a smooth flow of work in a collaborative team.

The various roadblocks that sabotage the creative collaboration and the ways through which it can be avoided are mentioned below:

Unclear expectations

When teams are not directed or instructed about the expectations, much of their time is spent on deciphering what is being asked for. Worst is when the energies are spent on something which was not required at all. Planning and expectation setting should be well thought-through as this can save a lot of resources.

Ineffective reviews and inputs

It is important to get a check on the work from a third angle through feedbacks. However, creativity will be at best when the feedbacks are acted upon. Before feedbacks are worked upon, it is much better to ensure feedback was obtained on specific pieces of work. Vague and unclear feedbacks can lead to stalling of projects and will result in a delay of the output.

Technology disablement

At times the team gets bogged down with tasks that can be automated but are being done manually, lowering the focus on impactful work. The task should be automated with workflows so that the team can free up themselves and work on things that really matter to the business.

Reduced visibility

As the team steps up the ladder in terms of growth in strength, visibility seems to fade. Visibility is a key factor to have trust in the team. It gives confidence that the work is being done with progress and the resources are being put to the best use. Thoughtful dashboards that highlight key metrics should be built and circulated frequently. This will help in knowing who has achieved what and has reached which stage, thereby addressing the collaboration issues at a nascent stage.

Building synergy with help of tools that can let the teamwork in the flow is recommended to avoid roadblocks and out of control situations. Mongrov is one such tool to keep all the team members on the same page and be informed about what is needed from them.

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