Why is connecting over the video with customers very important?

Mongrov, Inc
Published in
4 min readAug 17, 2020

We live in an era where individuals are connected by technology. With the advancements in communication technology we now have access to more sophisticated and effective methods of communication. People can interact with one another through electronic mediums and this has paved the way for corporations and businesses to connect better with partners and employees.

Video conferencing is a type of distance conferencing where two or more people can visually connect and interact with each other. This method has enabled businesses and organizations to hold meetings face to face with people without having the need to move to one particular location

What is video conferencing?

Video conferencing describes online meetings that take place over the internet to connect video conferencing systems in meeting rooms with personal devices such as laptops or mobile devices with embedded webcams. Utilizing a simple, unified video conferencing solution with support for screen sharing empowers your global teams to be more connected, productive, and engaged.

Video conferencing is unique in its ability to represent all of your verbal and nonverbal inflections and gestures. It removes communication uncertainty and creates better, more human interactions by giving everyone a voice and a face at the table — even when connecting from thousands of miles away.

Metcalfe’s law states that the benefit of a network grows exponentially as the size of the network grows. The same holds true for video conferencing and collaboration deployment.

Connecting through video….

Creating an emotional connection is extremely important. First and foremost is that emotionally connected customers are more engaged with your brand. They provide more value to your brand over time, as well. … As you can see, those who are not emotionally connected aren’t very satisfied.

Why is video conferencing important in business?

Building and maintaining strong professional relationships is easy with video conferencing.

Have more Nuanced conversations & faster Decision-Making

The single most compelling reason to install any technology is to be more productive. Advances in technology for the office have always been about speeding up business. Video conferencing gets you to face to face in an instant, and with 93 percent of communication being nonverbal in nature, video meetings help you make and maintain real human connections, irrespective of distance so that you can finalize decisions with confidence.

Increase revenue by Virtual product demo’s

A live demo can be much more valuable than mere words, and video conferencing makes it easier than ever to show your customers your product in real-time.If your product doesn’t allow for demos, you can also share presentations, photos, product education, and videos during a video call. It’s a great way to provide customers with a more interactive experience.

Decreasing the length of a sales cycle can lead to greatly increased revenue, and a video conference is an excellent way to keep sales cycles on track and win over more customers. You’ll answer questions and uncover opportunities for greater collaboration much more quickly than with a stream of emails.

Build relationships with customers

When it comes to the effective customer meets there’s really nothing like face time to make sure you’re deepening your relationships with your customers. Video conferencing allows for more frequent touchpoints with less frequent flier miles! Building relationships with customers (and contractors) takes time, and video conferencing is a great way to strengthen partnerships and make sure that you’re connecting on a regular basis.

Control Your Environment

Video conferencing lets you present your business in the best light since you get to control your environment. You don’t have to compromise your home field advantage since you’re enabling your teams to present from where they perform their best. Also the customer can connect his team from all around the world. This helps us to reach out to several people at the same time.

Save time and money on your travels.

Saving our precious time by traveling and money involved while traveling can be reduced.Today’s workforce prioritizes mobility, flexibility, and modern forms of communication over private offices and seclusion. Bringing remote customers face-to-face can boost productivity on both ends and lower travel costs at the same time. Comparing travel costs and costs of video conferencing shows that video conferencing is a true winner. Reduced travel requirements help key employees maximize their time.

Improve Value and Reduce Redundancy

Today’s video conferencing solutions include audio conferencing, screen sharing, chat, meeting recording, and event live streaming. The total cost of ownership (TCO) of maintenance and licensing for multiple vendors and products just adds unnecessary costs and complexity for the users. With Integrated video conferencing we can bind all the customers and provide a single solution for all their communication needs.

Build more business by working smarter

Investing in video conferencing will put you face-to-face with customers, contractors, remote employees, and numerous other potential partners. For sales calls, it can shorten the sales cycle while enabling you to build stronger relationships with prospects and current customers.

With Mongrov Video conferencing solution you can connect with your customers and have an interactive conference using the inbuilt tools like Whiteboard, Presentation share, screen share, and recording features. Besides this Mongrov provides you the flexibility to host the video conference servers at your choice.

