I hope you’ll see what we see in you

Monica Villanueva
Typewriter & Shutter
3 min readMay 11, 2019

You are beautiful, but you have no idea about it.

With love, your heart is full, yet everyone could fit.

We see a sign of strength every time you breathe.

You are an angel, God has blessed all of us with.

You see the silver linings, you are hope itself.

You keep fighting, a born warrior is what you are.

Don’t you even see that beauty in yourself?

By grace, you have managed to go this far.

You inspire a lot of people with your goodness.

You deserve the best and where your heart rests.

When it comes to faith, patience, and kindness,

Through time, you have always stood the test.

You’ve made your tears water the flowers of pain.

You allowed your Jesus to be with you in the rain.

You were brave enough to gripped by forlorn,

For you always remembered who wore the thorns.

Whatever breaks His heart, you allow being hurt.

Yes, you have that genuineness you do not see.

God’s love for you is bigger than the size of earth,

And of the universe! It’s the truth, not a fantasy.

Even in simplicity, we see your exceptional beauty.

It lies on the inside, no insecurities can cover it.

I pray for healing if anything is ruining your sanity.

I wish you’ll love yourself enough to let go of it.

No makeup or outfit can ever add to what we see.

You are a perfect expression of a soul full of love.

You are an angel, our angel, oh who can foresee,

What more you have to offer coming from above?

“See that you do not despise one of these little ones; for I tell you that in heaven their angels always behold the face of my Father who is in heaven.”‪ — Mt. 18:10‬

