Lord, teach me to trust You when my heart is fading

Please teach me to trust You when I can no longer feel my heart.

Monica Villanueva
Typewriter & Shutter
4 min readJul 12, 2020


Sophia Caraan

Teach me to trust You when I no longer have confidence in myself after failing You so many times.

Teach me to trust You when I no longer have hope that I can make amends for everything I’ve lost after choosing to pursue my dreams without You.

Teach me to trust You when I no longer have belief in Your healing after the many ways I’ve been broken by the realities I don’t understand.

Please teach my heart to allow You to fix me.

Please give me that faith — one that places the highest trust in You.

Please give me the faith that always chooses You above all else.

Please give me a faith which makes me realize that I cannot know everything.

Please give me a living faith that believes in Your love that doesn’t change no matter how much I change.

Please teach my heart that I can only have faith in You if I realize how much I need You.

I know that You never stop pursuing me, so please give me the resilience to also keep on pursuing You no matter how hard it gets.

Grant me the grace to never get tired of loving You.

Oh please, bless me with the love that surrenders everything to You.

Allow me to know You better when I’m already tired of trying to understand You.

Please teach me how to forgive — to believe that no one ever deserves the same pain I have felt.

Please teach me how to compromise because I, myself, have experienced Your compromising love.

Please teach me how to love unconditionally — to love even those who judge me although they don’t know everything about me. Because I, myself, have experienced Your unconditional Love even if You know all my sins.

My Lord, I am begging You to heal me.

My lifelessness means that my heart is longing to be healed because until now, I still don’t recognize how Your healing works.

My callousness means that my soul is kneeling before You, surrendering my heart to Your healing, because I think I’ve already given up on figuring out how Your plans work.

My silence means that I am internally crying in front of You, hoping that I would be healed because I feel like I’ve lost the grace of believing in Your miracles.

My Lord, I long for Your peace in the midst of my internal chaos.

When I can no longer find the words in begging for Your healing, teach me to simply believe that You’re working it all out for me even if I don’t feel it.

When I can no longer find a place to go in order to find You, teach me to look inside me because it’s where You had always been all along, and here is where You’ll ever be.

When I can no longer find the courage to accept the way things are supposed to be, teach me to embrace every possibility that comes with the powerful story You are writing for me.

Let my fading heart speak for my heedfulness towards receiving your answers when I’m already fed up with your passive omniscience.

Let my fading heart speak for my woundedness during the times I can’t anymore feel Your presence because of all the painful things happening around me that I’m trying so hard to bear.

Let my fading heart speak for all the disappointments that are buried deep down into my soul because I have neglected them so much, mistakenly thinking that You would neglect them a lot more than I ever could.

Let my fading heart speak for my need to rest with You, not away from You because I know that I can’t handle all of this on my own — that I can only allow myself to break if I let Your power rebuild me.

I’m starting to realize how Your silence communicates Your Power the same way my fading heart communicates my hidden strength.

I may have spent so much time trying to know a lot of things, but this time, I’m beginning to be contented with not knowing everything.

I may have spent so much energy trying to learn a lot of know-how, but this time, I’m beginning to be contented with not being good at so many things.

I may have spent so many thoughts, dwelling on a lot of issues, but this time, I’m beginning to find peace out of not reacting to every single thing.

This way, I am learning to trust You.

Please teach me how to trust You even stronger than this.

Please teach me to believe in my people — the people You blessed my life with so that I can experience Your love stronger.

Please teach me to recognize that I am never alone and that Your presence lies in every smile and laughter I create, encountering every beautiful soul You inspired to give me hope and courage.

Thank You for all the people who are taking my faith seriously. I am grateful for the few people who believe in the abundance that awaits me because of my enduring faith.

My Lord, teach me to trust You when my heart is fading because this is the time I need your grace the most. Teach me to trust You stronger when I don’t feel like Your power is at work in my life. Please teach me to trust You even just a little more because this is the time when You are preparing me for the most beautiful blessings.

