She will be Loved

Monica Villanueva
Typewriter & Shutter
10 min readApr 23, 2019

The moment she stops looking for love, love will start to find her.

Franchesca Gonzalez | © Popcorn Photo and Films

She who has been feeling so alone will in her perfect time be loved the way she deserves.

Not when she looks for love, but when she first learns to love herself.

At the lowest points of her life, there would always be times when friends or family don’t seem enough.

She looks for intimacy. She looks for love, regardless of its genuineness.

She looks for a kind of love that descends to her down below, towards how deeply deserted she feels.

Lonely as she feels, she longs for someone who can appreciate her wholly.

She longs for that someone who can make her feel she exists in the most beautiful way and a lot more than others do.

She longs to reside in the space that belongs to the soul of someone who would let her in because her own space leaves her with nothing but emptiness.

To someone lacking self-love, that happens.

She’s been listening to the people who have kept on dragging her down, until she has forgotten how to value herself.

She’s been sacrificing her sanity for the ones taking advantage of her openness to give her all, until she has forgotten to take care of herself.

She’s been limiting her worth as someone made to please and to offer convenience to everyone else, until she has forgotten how to love herself.

Now she’s looking for someone who can do it all for her.

The truth is, no one can.

No one can love her the right way she needs it unless she shows how she wants to be loved.

The only way she can show that is by loving herself.

No one can descend to her down below because she has locked herself down.

The only key to let someone in without being intoxicated is her self-love.

The only way to let someone help her is by opening the door.

She doesn’t need that someone anyway.

She’s the one who will rise above.

She will rise above her feeling of worthlessness that she takes as a reason for her state of being deserted.

She will keep her head above water instead of drowning herself in her own tears and allowing her despair to consume her.

She will breathe out the worries she has let other people weigh down on her, with the most relieving sighs she can ever let out.

She will fight her battles and heal herself with the eyes of faith.

She is a rose who will learn to love her own thorns, the sign of her strength.

She will learn that it’s not her job to please everyone.

She will realize that she doesn’t have to explain herself all the time.

She will learn that she doesn’t have to be at her best all the time nor she needs outside validation that she’s doing well.

She will heal from her toxic thoughts…the thoughts of futility, anxiety, and misery.

She will constantly revive her sanity after all those nights without sleep and days without self-care.

She will break away from the toxic relationships that tore her apart.

She will let go of every single thing that is in any way not worth it.

She will begin to see what she deserves and what is worth her time, energy, and attention.

She will see her worth until she appreciates her own presence…until she enjoys her own company.

Yes, she doesn’t have to depend on anyone but herself.

That’s the moment when she learns how to exist.

There’s a stark contrast between loneliness and solitude.

Loneliness is living on the outside, always longing for someone to depend on when it comes to enjoying time.

Solitude is living on the inside, obliviously enjoying ways to exist in a manner feeling one’s self the most.

In solitude, she can be a lover of life.

She will bloom as a beautiful rose.

She will realize that she is exactly where she’s supposed to be.

She will begin to see how far she has grown and how many battles she had already won by faith.

She will begin to acknowledge all those beautiful decisions she had made and how much she had learned already.

She will appreciate her accomplishments.

She will not anymore berate herself.

She will learn that the reward of every single thing she has done well is to have done it.

She will realize that she is an accomplishment in herself.

She will realize her potentials.

She will see herself in a new way, a way she doesn’t downgrade herself, a way she sees how truly worthy she is.

She will believe in herself, in how much she is capable of doing, and in how gifted she is in her own way.

She will learn to succeed at anything not for others, but for herself.

She will realize that she has nothing to prove to others.

She will learn to live a life of success, with the main purpose of filling her relationship not with others, but with herself and The One who created her.

She will give herself a lot of space for growth.

She will respect her own time, the same way other people ought to respect it.

She will value herself in a way that teaches other people to value her.

She would never again sacrifice her sanity for the benefit of others.

She is a work in progress.

Pain by pain, she is mending the pieces of her back to where they belong.

She is reclaiming the pieces of her she had given up for the people she loved more than herself.

After all those lost years, the years without self-love, she is slowly becoming whole again.

Every single day, she is redeeming all that she failed to give herself during those years.

She is learning that before she can genuinely love others, she needs to love herself first the way God loves her.

Each day, loving others gets easier as she opens herself to be sustained by the love that comes from above.

She is freeing herself from all the pain, toil, anger, despair, vanity, arrogance, discontentment, doubt, fear, and anxiety that have been stopping her from staying as God created her to be, beautiful as she originally is.

She is now allowing humility, forgiveness, compromise, trust, gentleness, patience, compassion, self-denial, dignity, kindness, generosity, respect, simplicity, love, hope and perseverance to define who she is.

She is constantly growing, but at the same time, she is a masterpiece.

She is as genuine as she could ever be.

She had always made her heart the most beautiful aspect of her.

She may not be that wise, but she is learning.

She may not be the best, but her softness of heart makes her whom God simply wants her to be.

She might have been away for quite some time now, but that only means she’s preparing to come back stronger.

She might have been busy finding herself, but that does not make her less of the person she was when she was not yet far from being her true self.

She must have had a very rough journey, not realizing how strong she actually is.

She must have had missteps, not seeing something big ahead of her and how near she already is.

She must have had failures, not believing how much she has proven and how perfectly lovable she is.

No matter how much of a mess she thinks she is, she is worth it.

She is worth being pursued.

She is worth fighting for.

She is worth being loved.

She is worth improving one’s self for.

She is worth being prayed to God for.

She may have been looking for love, but the truth will set her free.

The love that she needs, it’s all inside her.

It can even radiate into other people and into their lives.

She can extend love as long as she allows herself to be the first person experiencing its beauty.

She will learn to genuinely love herself.

It may take a long time and difficult process, but she will survive.

She doesn’t necessarily need somebody else’s help

For she needs to learn discovering herself while standing in her own shoes.

And in the perfect time when she’s ready, love will find her.

She will be loved in the right way she deserves.

She is not looking for the best in the world’s eyes.

She only needs someone who can show her how she can be loved the best.

In all her days, including in her worst.

She had always belonged to her King, but she will be claimed by her man.

She will be claimed by he who loves her King first.

She had always been His princess, but one day she will be one with who claimed her and can love her, for richer or for poorerfor better or for worse.

By grace, their union would bring glory to His Name…

For everything done according to His Will, He has made beautiful.

“Love is patient, love is kind.

It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Love never fails.”

1 Corinthians 13:4–8

