Whoever is meant for you will meet you at your level

You don’t have to stoop so low for someone who never valued you as much.

Monica Villanueva
Typewriter & Shutter
5 min readNov 11, 2023


© Islam Samir Amin

You don’t have to go so far in settling to compromise for someone who gave you false hopes that you finally found who is meant for you — the one who offers the highest consideration and respect towards your boundaries. There’s a point in the waiting when you have to let go and hope that the best story is to be written yet — the one that doesn’t confuse you with what’s real from what isn’t.

You don’t have to try to make sense out of the empty words or the actions never reaffirmed by well-defined intentions. Because you were never meant to merely satisfy someone’s temporary need for validation.

There’s so much more to you than just being used to fill in the amount of time and attention desired by someone who doesn’t know how to be contented or who can’t stand being alone when needed.

You don’t have to settle for the bare minimum offered to shackle you until someone else was there to trade that for something that was never rightfully earned. You have to remember that anything offered freely never lasts long and that anything given without clarity is not a valid tradeoff for something real.

You don’t have to tolerate whatever arrives in confusion, regardless of how good it appears to serve your best interests.

You don’t deserve to be treated less just because you can tolerate more.

You are not meant to feel indebted to someone for the investments served to you with the benefit of the doubt regarding one’s self-interest. You are not entitled to meet the expectations of anyone who only keeps on testing the waters with you, without really seeing you as worthy of taking risks for.

You deserve somebody who is sure about you.

Sometimes, no matter how willing you are to give it your all, you won’t be chosen. Not because you weren’t enough, but because you were too much to be waited on by someone who’s always needy for a highly maintained connection.

You still won’t be chosen because what you were preparing to offer fell into the hands of someone who didn’t have the capacity to receive it.

You won’t ever be chosen in a situation where you are viewed from the perspective of someone who isn’t in a position to see value in you.

That doesn’t make you less capable of offering the best — especially when all along, you were busy working it all out for something real…for something that lasts.

You are worth waiting for. You are not worth being replaced by whoever would maximize the benefits someone could get from the instantly convenient. You are worth being repeatedly chosen for who you are, not for what you could give freely right away.

You deserve somebody who sees your true value by taking the time to get to know you…somebody who would invest efforts to hear the real story behind how everybody else sees you.

You deserve to be seen as who you are. There’s a greater value in the parts of you that are left unnoticed, especially the messy parts that people are not interested enough to appreciate.

You deserve to be deeply valued by somebody who is scared to lose you.

If one’s sense of self-worth has to be based on the effect someone has on you, that insecurity is bound to mishandle you.

If one has to act nonchalantly to escape the accountability for hurting your feelings, that emotional apathy is bound to leave you invested one-sidedly.

If one has to hurt or mislead you to feel a sense of power over you, that dynamic is bound to make you lose your individuality.

Your internal power shall be surrendered to someone else’s control and personal benefit unless you fight to reclaim it. It’s yours, so reclaim it.

Choose yourself this time.

You don’t have to sacrifice your sense of self to give another chance to someone whom you could hardly trust whether or not you would be taken for granted again. The chance that you give might be another opportunity for one to prove that you were wrong about valuing someone who never valued you as much.

You don’t want to give away another chance as an opportunity to repeat the same mistake. You don’t want to give a chance unless your trust is earned. That trust can only be earned through consistent efforts affirmed by words, which can tell a lot about how one could potentially change for the better.

But you don’t really need to stick around for someone’s potential. You don’t have to wait for someone to change if it has already cost so much of your energy to try to understand everything from the other person’s point of view. You don’t have to stay for someone who hasn’t really given you enough consideration.

You don’t have to endure so much more pain by settling for less. Whatever bad you tolerate would no longer give justice to all the good that you have the ability to provide if you decide to stay. You aren’t meant to meet the needs of someone who would only choose you when you stop choosing yourself.

Choose yourself first.

Because whoever is meant for you will meet you at your level.

You wouldn’t have to lower yourself because love is supposed to be simple and easy.

No complicated dramas. No game of lies. No unsolicited judgments.

You just have to be real.

Because you wouldn’t have the capacity to love if you can’t be true to yourself. You won’t be able to receive real love if you keep allowing yourself to be mishandled by anybody who makes you question what you deserve.

You deserve somebody who could meet you at the level by which you still see yourself as deserving of the best love despite having been at your worst. You deserve to be met at the level you value and respect yourself enough to still hope for and work to become deserving of the best treatment and patience — even after unraveling your darkest yet real self.

Whoever is meant for you will meet you at the level you have learned to love yourself from how were loved by the right people first.

Sometimes, it’s the change in us that brings out the potential we see in how other people could treat us better.

Love yourself first.

You deserve to be treated better by you.

I loved you at your darkest.

— Romans 5:8

