You deserve somebody who loves you at your worst

Not only at your best but, most importantly, at your worst.

Monica Villanueva
Typewriter & Shutter
5 min readJul 26, 2022


© King Chris De Los Reyes

You deserve somebody who knows something is going on when you find it hard to communicate your feelings, worries, and troubles.

You deserve somebody who tells you that you can do great things when your self-doubts speak louder than your self-assurance.

You deserve somebody who sees beauty in all the aspects in which words can no longer express how much you tend to be insecure.

You are worthy of being seen when you can hardly see your true self.

You deserve somebody who gets excited about your progress while everyone else fails to appreciate that you are trying to be better.

You deserve somebody who validates what you feel, think, and desire during whatever phase of growth you are in — no matter how embarrassing it can be for you to share everything.

You deserve somebody with a genuineness that reminds you of how you used to find goodness in each person you meet — even after experiencing traumas and encountering every possible reason to lose hope in people.

You are worthy of somebody who can offer a safe place to be vulnerable when you find it really hard to trust people and let them in.

You deserve somebody who understands that not all the time, you can be gentle or cheerful towards others just as you would always want to be. Sometimes, you might be preoccupied with too many things beyond your control. There could be times when it won’t make sense to you why the matters that appear so little have a significant bearing on others in the bigger picture.

You deserve somebody who undyingly believes in your true potential and looks for opportunities in all situations that you account as your failures. You deserve someone who can show you that not all possibilities end in just one single mistake. Your mistakes have the potential to be turned into successes written as interestingly engaging stories.

You deserve somebody who matches your energy and levels of intimacy without forcing you to act a certain way, at a specific time, in a predetermined place.

You are worthy of somebody who recognizes limitations, respects your personal space, and protects your individuality as much as you are deeply valued.

You deserve to be in a relationship where you are free to express your ideas, passions, and dreams as naturally as you can ever be— especially when it takes so much courage to show the hidden parts of yourself.

You deserve somebody who listens when everything still hurts deep down — the opportunities that got rejected, the efforts that weren’t acknowledged, the investments that didn’t pay off, the chances that were abandoned, the love and friendships that failed, the prayers that are still left unanswered.

Your heart deserves to be heard no matter how many times and how many ways your painful stories can be retold.

You deserve somebody who proves that you are where you are supposed to be each time you feel like everybody in your circle is winning except for you.

You are worthy of somebody who is hopeful about your life pacing when you can not help but compare your unique journey to how everyone else seems to be strolling smoothly in life as you struggle to go by its uncertainties.

You deserve someone who admires all versions of your strength — including the version you consider your weakest. You are worthy of somebody who helps you let go of your attachments that are no longer serving you and are preventing you from enjoying every graceful blessing you have now.

You are worthy of experiencing life at its fullness with somebody who makes you feel alive.

You deserve to be with somebody whose beautiful times with you could make up for the times when you were not living your life.

You deserve to be with somebody who can make you forget about your bad memories from the past. Somebody who can make you barely remember that you used to be someone who was having so much difficulty dealing with people who do not accept you — especially the people whom you expect to be the first ones to embrace your true colors.

You deserve somebody who supports your happiness but cares enough to call you out when you are wrong. You deserve someone real who can grow into somebody who loves you — compromising on your shortcomings and choosing to stay even during the times you’re most unlovable.

You deserve somebody who consistently finds at least just one reason to stay. Although sometimes, all the reasons to leave rationally outweigh it.

You deserve somebody who is all of that not because you need someone, but because you are capable of loving the same way or even far better.

You deserve the best love because all your life, you have done nothing but give your best at everything, to everyone, at every place you were meant to influence.

Throughout your life, you have been developing the strength to endure so many afflictions on your own. While also inspiring others to reach their best potential. You have done so many great things, so you have nothing else to prove except your capability to surprise people with more after having already proven everything you need to. You have undeniably grown into somebody who overflows with love, grace, and beauty.

You deserve to be loved by somebody whose eyes reflect your profound greatness, soulful complexities, and perfect imperfections. You deserve to see everything that you don’t see in yourself.

You deserve somebody who makes you fall in love with yourself too.

