
Published in
2 min readMay 20, 2020

The ability to take out a loan was a cornerstone of progress. It allowed people to have a higher quality of life. With a loan, you could: buy a house, get an education, start your business, and the list goes on. However, without loans, people would only be able to live a life their bank balance will allow. Without loans, many people would not be able to afford higher education, which means that only the wealthiest can become doctors, lawyers, and scientists. Debt, as ironic as it sounds, gave people the freedom to live a life that their current bank account could not afford.

The moniitree team came together because we understood deeply how vital the lending system is to everyone. We believe the current lending system provides unfair terms and interest rates. Most importantly, it stopped working as a tool to allow people to achieve their potential. It became merely a transaction of money. At moniitree, we want to create a lending system that helps you grow your business. Moniitree is about freedom. Freedom to grow your business the way you imagined it. We plan on achieving this by creating a lending system that allows the right people to get fair terms and interest rates quickly.

We have decided to focus our initial efforts on small to medium businesses. These businesses account for 97% of all companies in Canada and provide 7.7 million jobs. With moniitree’s lending system, we can help companies in Canada grow their business, expand their workforce, and increase their quality of goods. When these businesses start to improve, so will the life of Canadians they employ. By giving small to medium businesses a chance to succeed, we can elevate the quality of life for millions of Canadians.

