Not me with the cool German Shepherd. But it is my photo. I did not steal from the internet.

I am Moses

Gérard Mclean
Monkey with a loaded typewriter


In 2012, I developed a sudden nerve condition and now walk with a cane.

About two years ago, I took a Lyft from my NYC Midtown hotel to Penn Station at the height of morning rush hour. As I stepped out of the car and headed toward the entrance, a very large, seemingly endless crowd of commuters came flooding out of the entrance I needed to go into to navigate my way down the escalator to the Amtrak holding pen.

A wave of terror came over me. I scanned the edges of the plaza for a safe place against the building to park myself until the crowd thinned, but found no refuge. At that moment, a random thought popped into my head.

I AM MOSES,” I told my noggin in a reverb voice, steeled my spine and began walking with purpose toward the entrance. My cane became a staff and the crowd parted as I walked through it.

Nothing about my situation had changed, but my attitude about my mobility had, not only in my mind, but also reflected in the behavior of the crowd. They did not know me nor did they care, but as I saw myself as Moses parting the Red Sea, so did they and changed their behavior because of it.

I walked like Moses down the escalator and through the length of Penn Station. Every crowd I encountered parted for me.

If you will be using this epiphany, use this power only for good.



Gérard Mclean
Monkey with a loaded typewriter

Picking my brain will cost you a fortune. No discounts. Author; Monkey with a Loaded Typewriter @rivershark @gerardmclean everywhere.