Brand Optimization

Clearly, building a brand is incredibly important for all businesses. We previously covered some good branding practices to get you started, and now that you’ve got a good brand, we’re here to help you with another critical task that follows. How do you optimize it?

Marketa Kocichova
MonkeyData Blog
4 min readNov 7, 2017


Now that you’ve got a good brand, how do you optimize it?

Expanding Brand Strategies

Once you have established your brand, you can’t just let it exist in a vacuum. You’ve likely come across this analogy on the internet, and it bears repeating: operating a business is kind of like being a Great White shark. How? Great Whites must continuously swim to live, because otherwise they can’t breathe. This is because they are a shark defined as an obligate ram ventilator.

A business is like an obligate ram ventilator; it must have forward motion to economically respire. Your brand is just the same. It has to be continuously developed to maintain its forward momentum. Coca-Cola and Pepsi are always spending millions on new ad campaigns. If any brand should be able to coast, it would be one of those two. But they can’t coast. They’re in competition with one another. If for nothing else than competitive edge, brand expansion is absolutely fundamental to profitability over time. That said, there is more than one way to skin the branding cat when it comes to optimization. One thing you’ll want to do is exercise cost-effective strategy.

Find areas of optimization that make the most sense and are the most affordable to implement. For example, look at your website. A brand that has a top-tier, cutting edge website design will subconsciously communicate professionalism to potential and existing clients.

Brand expansion is absolutely fundamental to profitability over time.

Optimized Website Design

You might check out website design optimization solutions as per this blog post from WebDesignSanDiego; according to the blog, you can source: “…website development and proprietary templates for businesses [that] are affordable and created to just work.” This way you can expedite professionalized site design and development.

Additionally, an established brand becomes more respectable when it is continuously present to meet client needs. There are many ways you can cost-effectively do this in the modern age, as computational solutions like the Internet of Things (IoT) and cloud computing are making it possible to totally outsource your primary office, if you like.

With solutions like Clockspot, you can monitor remote employees. See who’s working when and where, all in real time on the web. Those working for your company can clock in from anywhere. This can give your brand greater prescience. Increased prescience expands brand recognition and reputation positively.

Optimized website design is crucial here.

Utilizing Statistics

One thing that is absolutely integral when it comes to optimizing your brand is collecting statistics which inform your operations such that what is effective is encouraged, and what is ineffective is discouraged. SEO analytics can be absolutely fundamental here. You can see effective solutions, and avoid those that aren’t going anywhere.

Technology in general is very good for brands today, provided it is properly utilized in the right timeframe. Technology has a shelf-life which is defined by the next innovative step forward. If you’re behind, you don’t see the full benefit. So one thing that helps establish your brand is continuously being on the cutting edge of innovation.

This is one reason brands should additionally have close affiliation with developing social media trends. Today, Instagram has become very important in marketing; so use this as a means of brand expansion as it is cost-effective to do so. I.E., don’t waste time and money if it isn’t working for you; ease into Instagram and follow positive results as they develop.

Instagram has become very important in marketing.

There will be a successor to Instagram in the near future; who knows what that will look like? Right now, Instagram is hot. Between SEO analytics, website design upgrade, cloud-based applications which help you facilitate remote solutions, social media, and IoT developments, there are quite a few brand establishment solutions available. Find the most effective ones and put them to work for your business.

Written by Wendy Dessler from



Marketa Kocichova
MonkeyData Blog

Writer & editor @ MonkeyData, marketing manager @ Lemonero, eCommerce analytics enthusiast.