Don’t Underestimate the Post-Purchase Process

MonkeyData Blog
Published in
4 min readOct 3, 2016
The success of the business? Offer your prospects the products they need.

You should know the post-purchase process is more than important for every e-commerce business. With all the data you are able to find about your customers you can provide them with a service that will lead to repeated purchases. Before we start with specific tips on how to improve the process after someone makes a purchase in your online store, there’s one question that needs to be answered first. Why doesn’t it end with a purchase?

The vast majority of online store owners and managers concentrate on the acquisition of new customers and they invest loads of money into performance marketing campaigns. Wouldn’t it be much more effective (and way less expensive) to pay more attention to customers that know about you because they had shopped in your store before, and thus you already have some information about them? It’s easier to aim your ads and promos at them and offer products they really need.

It Only Begins With A Purchase

So, it doesn’t end with a purchase. Simply said, marketing is not only about the things that lead to a purchase but also about everything that follows it. When an order is completed, there are many things you can do for your customers (and yourself), in terms of shipment, delivery and feedback just to name a few. So, without keeping you waiting any longer, let’s get right into the post-purchase process!

Clever the people, who don’t see the purchase as the end, but as the beginning.

Order Accepted

When a purchase is completed, the customer is usually redirected to a page saying something like: “We accepted your order no 123, it is now being processed. Thank you for choosing Company XYZ. Have a nice day!” The truth is, nobody cares about this. Customers don’t need to know the current status of their order unless it’s successfully in their hands. Try it differently — inform your customer, give them something meaningful and useful, with added value, such as a manual of how to use the purchased product, a list of recommended related products, etc.

You can also add support options (how to get in touch with you) so that your customers can edit their orders afterwards. They might want to buy another product, cancel their order or need more pieces of the product they had purchased. Give them the opportunity and avoid the additional work that comes through cancellations. And also, enthuse your customers. Let them know you included some gift in the package, samples, discount voucher, etc.

Don’t forget to work with your data. Process all the information about each customer (full name, address, email address, type of delivery & payment, device, product specifics, number of pieces, how often do they purchase, etc.). It’s rigorous work, but it pays off e.g. when creating newsletters or ad campaigns on social media.

Notice the characteristics of your customers and sort them into the groups.

Shipping & Delivery

You are limited in what you can do in terms of shipment as you have almost no control over it. You can’t ask the courier to behave nicely and smile. One thing you can do is to inform your customer about their package location. To do this, you can use various channels, such as an email, a phone call or text message. Provide them with useful information — what time to expect their package, where to pick it up, how to find your brick-and-mortar store, opening hours etc.

Another thing you can do is to be creative with the package itself. Surprise your customers with added value. Include something special — a manual, a small gift, or a simple card. If you sell coffee for example, add something sweet. A simple candy can make someone’s day. And, above all, make sure that every package is delivered on time, and its contents are intact.

Deliver surprise and joy. Not just the product.


Don’t forget the importance of feedback as you can use it to both improve your product/service and promote your brand. Social media is a very powerful tool to do this as it’s easy to communicate with your customers directly and improve your relationship with them. Motivate your customers to post pictures of your products, take part in competitions, do a survey, a poll or something like that which will provide you with feedback. Engage and enthuse.


It’s important to say that every brand is different and that’s why these tips might not be applicable for everyone. Of course, you don’t have to follow all of the instruction above, but definitely get inspired to do things a little bit differently than others. Remember, it only begins with a purchase, so make the post-purchase process as good as possible!

If you let your creativity show in your packages, your customers will remember you and recommend you to others. So always inform them, and surprise them if possible. Engage them with your brand, communicate, discuss, share. And don’t forget to work with all the incredibly useful customer data and use it for further improvement. Good luck!

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