MonkeyData Plugins: The Biggest Product Update Since We Started

As of now, we have over 4,500 clients in more than 31 countries all over the world. Our clients are mainly small and medium businesses that are either starting out or aiming to expand. For both these groups, getting to know their customers is an important step in moving forward — what do they tend to buy, what are their preferences, and what do they need? This kind of information is the key to truly understanding one’s business and represents all the necessary insights for growth.

Marketa Kocichova
MonkeyData Blog
4 min readMar 16, 2018


The evolution of MonkeyData has been extremely exciting, and we’re confident this is only the beginning.

The number of new businesses is only increasing which means online store owners and marketers need statistics more than ever. We believe that SMBs represent the future of eCommerce. That’s why we decided to revisit the product we were offering and asked ourselves a simple question: how can we really help these small businesses to analyze data that will help them grow? The solution we came up with are brand new MonkeyData plugins: the biggest product update since we started.

Plugins: Currently for PrestaShop & Ecwid Users

Let’s first explain what plugins are and how it differs from the current omnichannel application. MonkeyData plugins are micro-applications you can install directly into your online store administration and display there for easy use and reference. We know that if you’re just starting up, chances are you’re constantly online managing your orders. This allows you to use your data in the moment, together with other control elements of your store’s back-office.

The biggest advantage for SMBs is that these plugins will be available and ready to use completely for free and won’t cost more than a couple of dollars in the future. Also, it isn’t necessary to focus on everything at once — you can pick specific segments of analytics based on your needs.

Go explore the plugins & apps library yourself to reveal what’s coming next.
  • PRODUCTS (the most profitable products, the worst selling items, top combinations, brands, suppliers, etc.)
  • CUSTOMERS (the number of customers, purchase behaviour, average revenue per customer, etc.)
  • ORDERS (AOV, rush days, peak hours, order processing time, etc.)
  • GEO (business performance across countries and cities, etc.)
  • SHIPPING & PAYMENT(the most popular shipping and payment methods, best combinations, etc.)
  • MOST IMPORTANT KPIS (orders, refunds, sold quantity, revenue and AOV w/out TAX, products, customers, etc.)

All the plugins will be available in PrestaShop and Ecwid soon, Product Statistics app is already available in Lightspeed, and more platforms coming soon. As I mentioned above, all our plugins are completely free — so don’t hesitate to try them out now, and feel free to install whichever one(s) you like. Additionally, we’d be very grateful for any feedback you can provide us with so we can continue to provide top notch service and be able to offer a better and more affordable product.

New Website Launched

Our vision is straightforward: we’d like to improve our users’ in-store statistics which means first improving analytics possibilities across a variety of eCommerce platforms. Feel free to check which platforms are currently ready to use here. And definitely check out our new amazing website we’ve launched recently — it simplifies the navigation and orientation through our product portfolio.

Check out our new amazing website! :)

New Mobile App Released

Believe it or not, there’s even more we’ve been working on these past months. Consider it a bonus — our mobile development team created a brand new Order Alert mobile app for Lightspeed that gives users a real-time overview of what’s happening in their stores and notifies them about the most important aspect of any online store: incoming orders. (The team is working on another version of the app — for WooCommerce.)

Download Order Alert for free: iOS | Android.

Old App Renamed

You’re probably wondering what will become of our omnichannel application. Don’t worry, we still believe that the omnichannel approach is at the very core of eCommerce and we’ll continue to do our best to translate this approach into reliable analytics for our customers. As of this moment, we’re back in Beta, which has given us the opportunity to develop new functionalities and smart features to improve and perfect the app. We’ll do our best to make it available as soon as possible, and in the meantime we’ve decided to change the name of the product to All-In-One Dashboard.

No worries, it’s only our name and the logo that is changing.

As I said, our goal is to help SMBs to analyze data, give them powerful insights, and boost their growth potential. We spend too much of our lives at work, so it’s important to us that we are able to make that experience both challenging and enjoyable. As a result, receiving useful feedback from our loyal users is critical to helping us know where to improve so we can aim higher and meet the standards of eCommerce professionals.

I hope you enjoy what’s coming. The evolution of MonkeyData has been extremely exciting, and we’re confident this is only the beginning.

Thank you!


Jan & Team ❤



Marketa Kocichova
MonkeyData Blog

Writer & editor @ MonkeyData, marketing manager @ Lemonero, eCommerce analytics enthusiast.