Pinpoint Your Customers And Make Them Love Your Brand

MonkeyData Blog
Published in
5 min readSep 19, 2016
Inspire your customers and they will love you.

You are building everything else around your product and it’s likely something that you’re very passionate about. And it doesn’t really matter whether you sell knitted socks, handmade jewelry, black & white photographs or decorative pottery — every artist can become an inventive entrepreneur. It’s not as difficult as it might sound, it’s pretty easy actually, by simply being smART around (potential) customers. And fortunately, there are many ways to get in touch with them directly these days. You can communicate with your audience, and try to interest / influence / involve / inspire them. It’s necessary not only to make them fall for your brand but also to stick with it. That’s the hardest part.

Find your target customers

First of all, it’s really important to realize that it’s nearly impossible to appeal to everyone. When selling interactive handmade toys for kittens it’s unlikely you will be able to interest a dog lover. This is why you need to pinpoint your target group before you start showing off your work and promoting it online so that you speak directly to the people you want to attract to your store. Do a survey, collect information or even use some analytics if you’re not afraid of data and numbers (there are many tools to help you with this).

Adjust your content

Once you find your target, you don’t need to do any changes to your product, you just might want to do some editing content-wise. It’s easier to create your content based on what you know about your target group. Use your improved knowledge of your audience to create content that connects with their needs and interests. You can make some changes on your website or start writing a blog. Let them know what problems your product (or service) actually solve, how it helps people and focus on how it is different from your competition.

Also, share your story, it’ll help you to connect with your audience. Sharing stories and anecdotes about you and your teammates’ experiences can draw your readers into your blog and show that you are like them. The content you create will show the human side of your brand, what your goals are, what drives you and how you hope to achieve your dreams. Show them the pride you take in your work.

Be proud to talk about your work.

Reach out

Unless you have a showroom or a brick-and-mortar store, you have less physical touchpoints with people, so you can put extra special effort to delivery. A package including a sample gift, a coupon, a card or even only a simple ribbon, is a great way to engage with customers and make them come back to you in the future.

Also, since people don’t have the opportunity to view your products in person before buying online, having high-quality photos and apt product descriptions will help you to create a striking and long-lasting first impression. Post pictures of your products on social networks, i.e. Instagram, and don’t forget to use #hashtags to make it easier to be found! You can, for example, create a special offer, related polls or contests while promoting your brand at the same time. This way your audience will engage directly, and help you spread the word to others that might be interested in your product.

Social networks are generally very powerful when it comes to interacting with customers, because people use networks such as Twitter on a daily basis. Why not to set up an exclusive group on Facebook where you can interact with the very people you want to, or create a YouTube channel where you can post videos of the production process, vlogs of events you attended, tutorials, lectures, etc.? You can also use a good old email and send out newsletters. You don’t have to include products and discounts only but also other things related to your work. For example, if you’re making oil paintings, you can offer a webinar online or a private painting lesson. Your online possibilities are endless!

Reach out to your audience by any means possible. And no matter which channel you use to communicate with them, share only what’s relevant and always put in extra value when approaching potential customers. Make the communication as original as your product and they will love your brand!

Don’t forget to make your online store mobile friendly. It’s crucial if you want to survive.

Don’t forget a loyalty program

Apart from the exclusivity that comes hand-in-hand with having fandom, it’s also easier and less expensive to keep existing customers than it is to acquire new ones. Developing a loyalty program is yet another way to keep a customer and it’s not rocket science.

Promotions and discounts are easy to use and can help you not only to acquire new customers but also to re-engage old customers who may not visited in awhile. Offer free shipping once a while, give a customer free merchandise as a gift, rewards, coupons, or even advance released products. Show your customers you’re doing it especially for them.


Collect information in order to pinpoint your target customers. Use your knowledge to create the right content that will resonate with them. Write a blog, use social media, send out newsletters, set up a loyalty program and don’t forget to share your story. Involve your audience, share what’s relevant, discuss and help people. This way you’ll be able to turn a visitor to a purchaser, a purchaser into a returning customer, and a returning customer into a brand advocate.

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