REVIEW: ‘Blair Witch’ uses updated tech, same tired gimmick

Felix Albuerne Jr
Monkeys Fighting Robots
1 min readSep 14, 2016


Blair Witch, the latest follow-up to 1999’s The Blair Witch Project, returns to the original film’s style and concept so much that it’s more remake than sequel.

Yes, the tech in the film is updated, with GoPro cameras, GPS, and drones integrated into the story’s mechanics. But those additions simply make it easier for the filmmakers to plausibly pass off what plays out on screen as “found footage.”

That same tired gimmick, innovative and immersive sixteen years ago, fuels this would-be scream fest in the woods. The result is a film that delivers very few actual scares and grows tiresome very, very quickly. (Read more:



Felix Albuerne Jr
Monkeys Fighting Robots

Cuban-Filipino Miami expatriate living and working in St Petersburg, Florida. Former newsie, part-time film reviewer, Trekkie, comic foodie and craft beer snob.