Why Landing Page Is So Important For Mobile Apps?

Melih Mucuk
Monkeys Team
Published in
4 min readAug 9, 2018

If you are planning to start your own business, it is good to find some ways to present it to the audience in the market. The best idea is to create an app online and develop healthy connections with your buyers online. For a layman, your mobile app must be just another app on his gadget; but in actual, only an app developer and game developers know the real efforts behind pre-launch and post-launch phase of a mobile app. It demands lots of hard work to divert traffic to the certain business platform, and in this process, landing pages play an important role.

Landing pages have the ability to lead the call to actions on mobile apps, and it provides unlimited benefits to every established as well as growing business. Below we have discussed the importance of app landing page and few reasons why all game developers and app developers need to focus on them.

Support your business objectives

Landing pages assist business owners in the promotion of their products, they attract new customers, help to close sales and reach out specific market area by making connections online. Landing pages also help to measure the success rate of business strategies by collecting the most accurate information in the market.

Boost conversations

Marketing professionals say that landing pages help to increase conversations on the network. It happens just because the landing pages provide a direct call to action to the visitors on the page and customers find it easier to take appropriate action towards your business. This, in turn, eases the communication between customers and business leading to higher sales.

Improve brand awareness

Companies find app landing page more useful to showcase their brands. Marketing professionals can design these pages with a unique tone, style, and appearance to reflect the vision and mission of the brand. It naturally helps to boost brand value in the market, and you can stay ahead of your competitors as well.

Live support to the audience

Live support is essential to turn app visitors into app users and later into potential buyers. The landing pages can be used to direct the audience to the business service team directly, and they can resolve the queries of buyers with ease. App developers can also add an FAQ section to the landing pages where people can find answers to the most common questions related to the business or particular game. When you are able to create satisfaction in the audience, it is possible to ensure higher success rate with ease.

Valuable referral information

Growing businesses can boost their growth opportunities with referral information. Although there are several platforms on the internet that can help you to get referral information, when we talk about an organic referral, landing pages are the only trustworthy answer. They can easily work with advanced tools like Google Analytics and can help app developers or game developers to promote their platform to an interested audience in the market.

Share your story

Landing pages can be utilized in a creative manner to boost the audience attention towards your business. You can share your business story on these pages but make sure you use a funny and conversational tone that can make people stick to your page. Let people know more about how you got the idea about this app or the game for which you have designed that particular app. Make them a part of your success story with some knowledgeable details.

Increase app reach

It is possible to boost your app reach by adding creative videos to the landing page. These videos are more useful for audience that are not interested in spending huge time on reading the information at landing pages. The fact is that if you add interesting and informative videos to your app landing pages; they can naturally bring more attention to your brand. It is advised to create simple and short videos that can be watched quickly and can help to boost conversion rates. They are also easier to share so that your app can get more exposure in the market.

The landing pages are the most holistic part of the mobile app and can help to ensure higher success rates for the businesses and games for which they are developed. Experts say that without landing pages, it will become quite difficult to discover the apps on the network. If you don’t want to follow a restricted marketing approach for your app; it is good to create valuable landing pages for your app. They have the ability to attract audience towards your business and can help you to enjoy more returns online. With all such benefits, it is good to create a landing page for your mobile app fast.

How to create simple landing page for your app?

As a Monkeys Team, we built most advanced url shortener for mobile apps. Also we have landing page creator, you can use it completely free!

Sample landing page for Tinder

MonkeyLINK is in private beta right now, so you can use it without limitation and free! Join private beta and get 25% lifetime discount before launch.

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