MonoCats Ethereum Migration has Started

Published in
1 min readNov 17, 2022

Dear Monoer,

After a month of preparation, the MonoCats Ethereum migration is starting now! All the MonoCats NFTs in Flow will be eligible to migrate into Ethereum through this portal.

Please notice that through the migration you will get a MonoCats: Evolved! blind box. And with the box open you will get a brand new design MonoCats NFTs with totally different traits. The box will be open seven days after the migration and no further transaction or gas fee required.

The portal is open here (link). We also have a detailed migration guidance post in our community (link).

All the MonoCats NFT are tradeable in the marketplace of Ethereum as soon as migration (thanks to the decentralization of Ethereum).

After migration we will be fully focused on the MonoCats Cafe: BeachTown game, stay tuned.Lastly, don’t forget to join our community to meet other Monoer! Follow us on Twitter, or join our Discord and Discourse server!


Mono Labs

