“MonoCats: Evolved!” smart contract is scheduled for upgrade

Published in
1 min readNov 17, 2022

Due to the new smart contract standard proposed by OpenSea to enhance security and gaming experience, meow will upgrade the smart contract in block height 15997200. As a user, you don’t have to do anything.

We will pause the MonoCats migration bridge from Nov 21st (00:00 UTC+0) to prevent potential risks. But we will resume the process on Nov 23rd. It’s safe to move your MonoCats before the pause.

In Ethereum block height 15997200 we will take a snapshot and airdrop the new NFTs. After we ensure the new NFTs drop successfully, we will destroy the old smart contract.

We will resume the migration portal after this. So please ensure do not trade any NFTs from Nov 21st to Nov 23rd. And to ensure the whole process goes well, the NFT reveal is rescheduled for Nov 23rd.

Sorry for the inconvenience it might cost. Stay #SAFU in these volatile times!

