MonoCats Q3 Community Meeting: First Shoutout!!!

Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2022

Dear Humans,

The Q3 community meeting between the Mono Labs team and our beloved Monoverse community is held on September 8th, 2022. We feel honored to have all of our participants joining this conversation with us! We enjoyed hearing your opinions and value all the suggestions and praises we receive

MonoCats is the first gaming IP and NFT Collections by Mono Labs. Currently, multiple MonoCats serial games are under development. During the past quarter, MonoCats: Staking is already 75% finished. MonoCats: Staking is a business simulation game powered by our native tokens and MonoCats NFT, and it is a prologue for the game series.

MonoCats are a group of creatures living in a higher dimension. They observe everything in their own way. Eventually, they decide to travel to our planet, the Earth, and to become buddies with every loving human being.” — — the background story of MonoCats narrated by the assistant producer of MonoCat, Gugu.

Mono Labs team was an unclear figure for the public until the Q3 meeting. The team composition is revealed to our community for the first time: the Mono Labs team consists of experienced game producers, developers, and competent, crypto-native founders: Yuki, 7Star, and Runchen. Currently, there are 15 people on our team, and most of them have a strong game development background.

“Transparency should be at the core of our community values, and what we keep doing is to find a good way to communicate with the community, so everyone can be updated on what we are doing and what we have achieved, and on the other hand, we also would like to know what’s the most concern of our community.” — — according to Runchen, the CEO of Mono Labs Ltd.

Moreover, in the upcoming Q4, the Mono Lab team is more than excited to introduce our Mono.Fun platform! Mono.Fun is our original-developed gaming platform that aims to provide highly packaged SDKs. It allows creators to access the MONO ecosystem without any prerequisite Web3 technology. Besides MonoCats, you definitely should check out our other games in our Mono.Fun, such as the recently launched The Street of Adrift. More is waiting for you to discover on the Mono.Fun platform…Stay tuned!


Mono Labs

