To the MonoCats community: We are moving to a new stage in Ethereum

Published in
3 min readOct 21, 2022

Dear all MonoCats lovers,

After thoughtful discussion, we have decided to move the MonoCats collection and games to an Ethereum and EVM compatible chain. We understand that there will be many challenges for the Flow community, so please allow me to explain further.

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We value every thought and the transparency between the team and community, therefore in this letter, I would like to share my opinion upon Ethereum, and justify our MonoCats: Evolved! plan.

We decided to move to Ethereum for three main reasons:

Ethereum have more active users and a vivid ecosystem

  • Ethereum is a decentralised blockchain first launched in 2015 and it’s the most adopted and active blockchain at this moment.
  • According to Artemis Research, on Sep 22th Ethereum had 440K of active addresses while Flow only had 38.6K at the same time.
  • End-users have way more choices in the Ethereum ecosystem. Ethereum has an abundance of field-test products such as OpenSea (the most welcome NFT marketplace), Coinbase Wallet, imToken, etc. These services have millions of users already.

Infrastructure for development & better user experience

  • Ethereum is totally permission-less which means anyone can run a node of Ethereum and build on top of it. This means third parties can provide a better infrastructure and user experience in different regions.
  • Most users outside North America might find they need to wait quite a long time (30–90 secs) to query the blockchain, this is due to the incomplete infrastructure. In Ethereum the query usually takes less than a second.
  • In the past few months, we have been busy plugging into different wallets, and we are not able to integrate with Blocto and Dapper Wallet at this moment. But Ethereum is totally permission-less, as long as we follow the standard automatic integration with the wallets.
  • Users need to enable our collection in advance to receive the NFT, this creates a significant barrier for us to expand our community. However in Ethereum, we don’t need to face the same issues.

Ethereum & layer 2 are more fit for our future strategy

  • Ethereum uses the smart contract platform called EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) and uses Solidity as coding language, it’s widely adopted in other blockchain.
  • This means users can easily change the blockchain they use and we can easily access different ecosystems at the same time. In fact, most wallets support multiple EVM chains at the same time (e.g. Polygon, Aurora and Avalanche).
  • From the viewpoint of MonoLabs, this means we can easily plug into different blockchain and benefit from the advantages of different blockchain.

For the end-user as a community stakeholder, there will be significant improvement as well.

  • Users have a lot of wallet choices, they provide the same but different experience. If you want the most security, you could have Ledger or OneKey as your hardware wallet. If you are mobile addicted, imToken & MetaMask might interest you.
  • The low latency and better trading experience. Gem and Genius provide cross market liquidity and allow users to batch purchase and batch sale their NFTs. SudoSwap provides an AMM-like experience for trading NFTs.
  • Access DeFi and other services. Besides NFT, users can access DeFi experience like Uniswap and AAVE to maximise their capital return.

Blockchain should be an open and permissionless world where all kinds of people can dedicate their genius and build the ecosystem together.

Moving to Ethereum does not mean the end of the project, but means we are going to a greater space to create a better experience for everyone. We hope you can come with us and build with us.


Mono Labs

