Submissions, Contributions, Donations, Support, Inquiries

Anne Murayama
6 min readJan 5, 2020


MONØMANIA may be exclusive to black & white photography but there are various ways on how you can be part of our community. Submit for free, contribute regularly, donate your work, print your work, help us translate, learn with us, help us teach, promote your brand, sponsor us — the possibilities are infinite!

To be efficient, we prepared all the details on this page. Please read the guidelines thoroughly and strictly follow the formats provided. Otherwise, it will be returned to sender.

Note that the requirements for all images are: 6 to 10 images only, JPG format, 1500px in width, sent as individual attachments in your email. Do not send downloadable/shared links as they will not be opened.

Thank you and we are excited to have you on MONØMANIA.


MONØMANIA is on the constant hunt for mononchromaniacs who wish to be more involved in the craft. Contributions are either (a) your own ideas/pitches or (b) topics to be assigned by the Director. Your articles will be published on the MONØkult section

— Must have a sincere interest in black & white photography
— Must be able to deliver at least (1) article per month
— Must be able to commit to his role for at least (6) months
— Must have an account on Medium (creating one is for free)

— Does black & white photography himself
— Able to attend online editorial meetings once a month (upcoming)

— MONØMANIA features exclusive content, so when you interview artists, you get to meet and know them in flesh.
— You will be assigned to cover events, visit exhibitions, and document other activities related to black & white photography.
— Although MONØMANIA currently operates independently, your efforts may be compensated if enrolled at Medium Partner Program.*
— You will be included in the roster and a proper byline will be attributed on your articles. You will also have email address.

Send the following details and documents to in the format below:

[Contribution] Name of Artist

(1) About the Author
— City, Country
— Short biography, with focus on your photography and/or writing, at least 500 words
— Website and/or Instagram
— 3 to 5 brief story pitches for MONØMANIA

(2) Additional Info
— How often can you contribute content? (ex: 2x a month)
— How long do you plan on contributing? (ex: at least 6 months)

— Creative CV in PDF with artist statement (optional)
— 2 to 3 writing samples related to photography/arts (could be published from before)

Compensation depends on the contributors’ country of residence. MONØMANIA runs on, where writers can directly earn money from their stories if enrolled in their Partner Program. But being so requires a Stripe account and taxpayer information. More about this here.


MONØMANIA exists because of our readers and our readers are welcome to submit their work for free. The guidelines are as follows:

— Must be a photo series with a theme or a collection of single images
— Must be original/made by the author, meaning you cannot submit works by other artists
— Must have an account on Medium (creating one is for free)

— Exclusive, meaning it hasn’t appeared on other publications yet.

— You get to submit your work and we feature your work for free — it’s that simple.
— You get to share your work to our viewers, readers, and followers across the world.
— You get to be part of the thriving and timeless black & white community of photography.

Note: You may submit more than once but please note that all submissions will be subjected for consideration. If selected, you will receive a reply. Once approved, you agree that MONØMANIA will publish your work without any fees involved.

Submissions should be sent to and must strictly follow the format below:

[Submission] Name of Artist — Title of Project

(1) About the Artist
— City, Country
— Artist Biography/Statement
— Website and/or Instagram

(2) About the Project
— Description of your work, 200 to 400 words

— 6 to 10 images only, JPG format, 1500px in width, sent as individual attachments in your email. Do not send downloadable/shared links as they will not be opened.


Photobooks and photozines in black & white own a special spotlight in our MONØgraf collection. Aside from being featured in our online library, your work will also be included in MONØMANIA’s physical booth should we participate in art fairs and exhibitions. The only thing that you need to do is send us your work through postal mail.

Snail-mail your work to:

401 Iwasaki Building 3–30–1
Omori-kita, Ota City
Tokyo, Japan 143–0016

B&W things that are also welcome: postcards! photo prints! found pictures! magazines! catalogues! films! CDs!

Since MONØMONIA aims to support print, PDF versions and other downloadable files are not accepted.

Upon snail-mailing, take a picture of the envelop you sent. Then, make sure to send the following information to

[Book/Zine] Name of Artist — Title of Book/Zine

(1) About the Book
(2) About the Artist

— 3 to 5 images of your book (front, back, highlights)
— A picture of the stamped envelop that you snail-mailed (to help us confirm your postage)

Note: If possible, use EMS or an international courier with tracking options. As these are donations, please understand that MONØMANIA will not be held liable to any lost or damaged items.


Photographs do not fulfill their destiny until they are printed and tangible. This is why MONØMANIA values photo books and photo zines.

As a small press, we are looking for dedicated black & white image-makers who would like to have their work published as a book or zine.

As an independent publisher, we will help you throughout the process: from the conceptualization of your ideas, to the editing and design, until the printing, distribution, and promotion of your book/zine in its final form.

Printing will be done in Japan, which ensures high quality of both paper and ink.

Last but not least, money matters will be further discussed with MONØMANIA’s Editor through email.

If you think that you have a concrete body of work that is ready to become a book/zine, send us a preview with the strongest images from your project at with the following:

[PRESS] Name of Artist

(1) About the Project
(2) About the Artist

— At least 20 images, JPG format, 1500px in width, sent as individual attachments in your email. Do not send downloadable/shared links as they will not be opened.


MONØMANIA further aims to be bilingual in English and Japanese. If you are into photography and is fluent in both languages, please contact with your CV, sample translations (E-J), and asking rate.


MONØMANIA organizes Portfolio Reviews, Workshops, and other initiatives to further promote black & white photography. If you wish to be part of MONØlabo either as a mentor or a mentee, we’d like to hear from you! Send us your ideas in detail at


MONØMANIA is an artist-run project. We accept all kinds of sponsorship, ex-deals, and also paid advertisements. For more information, let’s thoroughly discuss via

Other Inquiries

If all the options above do not fit your intention to contact us, please send a direct email to Comments and suggestions, or plain hellos are welcome, too!



Anne Murayama

fka Erin Cross. Based in Tokyo, Japan. Black and white visual storyteller.