Making a case for high art.

Monochrome Lagos
Published in
4 min readAug 20, 2018

When Jean Michel staggered into the cafe to sell his bad art to Andy; his friend a more eloquent and possibly more talented waited outside to watch him embarrass himself and shrink his balls. Mr Warhol bought one, Jean Michel editing his CV later that night as he rests his restless head on the lap of his lover : He wrote “Jean Michel’s art has been collected widely including the Warhol collection” he liked how that made him feel and he was very impressed by the lustre of that life that he sends his friend Mr Small Doctor a text “If you no get money…” with 3 elliptical marks to deduce a continuation his mind couldn’t muster yet; as expensive as international text messages must be to as far as Lagos Nigeria, he sends it anyway and when the teachers son got it he screamed “Hide Your Face!”.

Shawn Carter would rap about this decades later saying “He can’t help the poor if he was one of them” and he day dreamed of when like Jeff Koons balloon he will blow up. I am meeker than them all, which means i want to inherit it all.

While Zuckerberg got drilled by his govt, his composure and aura was very interesting to observe, i remembered Saro Wiwa’s words when he described meeting OBJ during the civil war “If he had any ambitions, for sure you can never tell….” because he is one of those whose meekness like Bill Gate will fool you and you will swear they mean well and rarerly wish they inherited the earth but have quizzed geeks and fucked nerds, they want it all more than the boastful rappers. They will eventually own the earth and no Cambridge Analytics is required to subvert and disperse that info. On insta story Dipo Doherty called them the new Oil Magnates. Well spotted Dips.

You talk too fucking much! I heard Gertrude Kasebier lash out at Steiglitz as they sat two tables away from me at the Stadium Hotel in Surulere. The Camera Work crew which made up of the most brilliant pictorialist photographers where in Lagos for an annual convention, this was about the time Alfred was starting to consider including painters; abstract painters in the magazine and this angered everyone who was scared of change. Change happens anyways. And Alfred will go on to support really great American artists at lowest points that they could have given up, Marin survived on 4$ a week : a crazy feat, if it wasn’t for those who support our art greatly, we would have hidden our faces. For this reason Mrs F is a goddess to me.

Everyone was there Clarence White, Paul Strand, Anne Brigman and Georgia O keefe too, Chief Aina Onabolu was at the bar paying for the drinks, he was also asking the manager what time Mr Olaiya Victor will get on stage…I got up from my seat and swaggered towards them all thanks to the bow of my legs which i am sure will fail me at older age but for now i hear gives me a sexy stride. I walk up to the table. Look everyone in the eye and said I am Logor and i will be going back to the future to become an important artist so you guys should get your act right asap so as not to distort history. “Art history”. I was serious and they took me seriously everyone acted right and voila we have today the history we praise.

Again like Jean Michel i walked up to my idols and wagered a participation. In the nearest future i will be placed in all the right collection because of what i did that day. Like Jeff Koons Balloon someday works of my hands will blow up and if that offends your sensibilities and make you think it weakens my soul. Hide your face.

