AQUA — rules of water

Daria Dubois
Published in
3 min readAug 5, 2020

We all know the importance of water. But let’s dive a bit deeper into the understanding of its effect on our body.

How much water should I drink?

Depending on the lifestyle and your body structure you should aim for an ounce of water for each pound of your weight. However, add extra water if you live in a hot climate and if you exercise.

How to drink water while exercising?

Drink half of glass before the workout, but at least 40 minutes after your last meal. Sip water every 15–20 minutes during the workout and a full glass right after.

Photo by Boxed Water Is Better on Unsplash

What is the main effect of water on my body?

  • Water allows your kidneys to function properly and filter better. Dehydration is the biggest reason for kidney stones and urinary stones.
  • Boost up metabolism
  • The proper amount of water in your body keeps a healthy blood flow by which it better cleans up your body from toxins, keeps skin clean and glowing and also your brain functioning well and better concentrating.

How should I drink water during the day?

  • Take a glass or two of warm water when you wake up to get your body ready and boost up your digestive system for the breakfast.
  • Drink water 30 minutes before your meal and give it at least an hour after the meal for the nest water intake.
  • It is not recommended to drink a lot of water before bed, but if you had carbs for dinner, you definitely need to hydrate your body. You will notice the difference right away in the morning.
  • Drink water before and after the warm bath or shower!
  • Drink water before and during exercise.

Is there a limit to how much water I can drink?

Yes! Your kidney can be overwhelmed with the amount of water and it might be hard for them to function if there will be too much water in the body. The limit that is confirmed by health organizations is 17 liters of water.

Few tips on how to build a habit of drinking water:

  • Wake up a half an hour early and take 2 glasses of warm water right after you wake up! This will also fill you up and you won't feel hungry. Also this way you will already complete about 20% of your daily water intake.
  • Buy a cute water bottle. But remember to keep it without plastic and toxins. I recommend metal bottles, wooden or glass.
  • Get a concentrated vitamin B12 that you can mix with water. They come in different flavors and will make water intake more fun! Take just like lemonade!
  • Keep a water glass/bottle by your bed, have a water section in the kitchen, have water bottles ready by the door to grab when you leave your house, keep a water bottle in the bathroom, on the working desk.
  • Drink water with your coffee and tea.
  • And my favorite: give water to your partner every time you grab water and ask him to do the same for you =)

Rule of warm water

I mentioned before the warm water in the morning and during the day. Why do you think it is important?

  • warm water will be observed by your body faster since in order to absorb the cold water your body will first need to spend the energy to warm it up.
  • warm water makes it easier to breathe by relieving nasal congestion
  • warm water also aids in weight loss better than cold water and keep you feeling full
  • it improves circulation and aids digestion
  • it also calms the central nervous system

I personally think that implementing water into your life is the easiest way to lose weight and get healthier skin and body.

Stay healthy, stay hydrated!

