Daria Dubois
Published in
3 min readJul 22, 2020

How to find time for yourself between work, work, business, education, friends and relatives, groceries, laundry everything else our wonderful life contains?

I will share with you my personal schedule and a few tricks that I do.


My morning starts at 6–7 am, depending on what time I went to bed. But I usually count for 6 hours of sleep. Our body doesn't need more. I noticed that if I sleep more then 6 hours, I feel more tired and lazy. Usually if during the day I feel tired I take a half an hour nap to boost my evening energy.

The first hour of the day I spend on myself. No dishwashing, no cleaning around the house, no phone messages, news, or social media! It’s just my time! This is the most important part of my day that sets the tone of my day.

Morning routine:

  • Nauli on an empty stomach and stretch
  • Water — 2 or 3 glasses on warm water
  • Soft exercise to activate my body, whatever feels right, followed by a cold shower. Ex: walk, stretch, 15 mins fitness set, cardio.
  • Latest news updates with a cap of tea (no coffee!)
  • Breakfast is only after 10 am and at least 30 mins after water/tea (following 8 / 16 schedule). Let your body absorb your first drink and get ready for nutritious food! Enjoy the time of a clean body, boost metabolism with water intake. Breakfast is the main meal of carbs that will give you energy to the day!
  • Getting into Productive zone: first, I make a list of what I want to complete today, then go over what I have left from previous days, mark the priority and create a general time of tasks following 25/5 rule. I usually kick start with a quick task to activate followed right away by the most difficult ones. This way the most important will for sure get done today.
  • Productive time 8 am — 2 pm with 5-minute breaks for water and creative distructions.
  • 12 pm snack? why not! but separate from water. remember it's always better to divide meals into 5 or even 6 instead of filling out with a big meal on the hangry stomach.

LUNCH — 2 pm

  • Water to activate the stomach and boost metabolism and hunger for lunch
  • Focus on protein and fats but still include carbs to have enough energy for the rest of the day.
  • Do not rush through the lunch and enjoy it! Give your body 15–20 minutes to have food settle and processed. Take a break from work and focus your body and mind energy on the ritual of the most important meal of the day.
  • Productive 2 hours
  • NAP time… if you feel discharged, take a 30 mins nap. Turn off your phone and restore energy before the workout.
  • 4–5 pm Workout! I like to have a little bit of heavy carbs before the workout (half a banana or sugar-free granola bar). Very important to drink water during the workout.


  • Stretch and shower after the workout.
  • Evening protein snack (2 egg omelet or half of the chicken breast)
  • Productive evening time / Outdoor cardio: evening walk, biking.


My favorite time of the day is morning and bedtime! I can finalize my productive day, clear my mind, reset everything for tomorrow. It is a time for me and my partner. We like to have a last quick casein snack before bed like yogurt or a glass of milk. I like a cap of warm ginger or fresh mint tea. We set AC to low temperature, follow through the bath routine, meditate, and stretch.

If it’s my running day I will either run at the sunrise or sunset time.

