
Daria Dubois
Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2020

I pretty much stopped counting steps after 800.

We took this picture on the last day in Dubrovnik after check out from Airbnb.

We left our luggage in the storage and walked up the hill in the middle of the day, at the worse time under the sun, walked along the highway, and almost fainted. Well.. that's what traveling is about, right?

There few places I want to recommend when going to Dubrovnik (feel free to add more in the comments):

Dancé beach is the best! Spectacular view, not touristy, fewer people, has shower.

Seafood restaurant 'Kamenice'. Delicious food, however, I wasn't impressed by wine. Great location!

Buza Bar. Have to! You have to jump from the cliff of the city wall and get a drink after! Have to!

I will limit restaurant recommendations to 3. And my third one will be Taj Mahal! Bosnian kitchen, delicious meat and pies presented on the heated plate.

Kayaking to Lokrum. Don't take group tours and just rent a kayak, you can stop whenever you need and swim. There is a cave with a beautiful beach where you can get only kayaking and two more caves on Lokrum island.

