REMOTE.freedom or prison

Daria Dubois
Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2020

“I am planning on building my clientele, as a freelancer, quit my job, and go travel”

Photo by Kevin Bhagat

How many times I’ve heard this perfect plan! American dream transformed into the freedom of moving between places around the world while working remotely as a freelancer or entrepreneur or not working at all and living off income from investments.

I see some great examples of young successful people on this path and majority thanks to platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Airbnb, and the stock market.

While it looks like a fairly easy plan to make money off these schemes, try it out! From my experience, I can say that even though I consider myself very organized and responsible, diving into the freedom of a flexible schedule made me a bit of a mess. I understand now how important it is to keep track of progress and time. It just like owning a company with employees, I have to manage myself and my productive time, find a balance between personal and productive space, deal with work stress keeping it only in the home office away from the living room or bedroom.

The easy way that freelancers found in places like coffee shops and co-working offices, making the separation between work and home. There is something about having a space that won’t have any distractions to keep work at its highest priority during the hours you choose. Staying responsible and involved in the work enough

There is a new type of coffee shop that in some places in Europe where in order to use it you need to pay per hour, day or have a membership. Some coffee shops add working stations with printers and fax machines adjusting to this new type of customer.

