Can You Win at an Open Relationship?

My partner is up 2 to 0, and I’m a little worried

Sarah Stroh


Photo of author by @austinfassino

The other day my partner of six months Flo went on his second date with someone else. The number of dates with others I’ve been on: zero.

I feel like I need to get a move on. Lest his score grows even higher, to three or four, and I remain at nil.

Or worse, what if he starts seeing someone regularly besides me and I’m left in the proverbial dust? I worry that if he starts spending time regularly with another women, it will hurt when I don’t also have someone else.

It would be nice if I had a date or two planned. That way I would worry about feeling like the lowly wife who must stay home and wait for her partner to return from his fun with all his mistresses. (Never mind that we don’t actually live together).

The ironic part about all of this is that I’m the one who wanted to have an open relationship in the first place.

It was all my idea. But look at him now! He’s absolutely crushing it.

And there is this tinge of that American competitiveness inside of me that doesn’t like it. There is a part of me that wants to be “better” at this open relationship thing than he is.



Sarah Stroh

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