How Polyamory Can Make Your Interactions With Just About Anyone More Organic

Your friendships can go wherever the wind blows

Sarah Stroh


His eyes locked into mine, unmoving. I felt an energy that almost made me shiver. “So can you tell me more about what you're looking for in a roommate?” he asked.

As I sat across the table and answered his question, my eyes still on his, I admired his strong jawline and dense red beard.

Was there something more than a roommate interview happening between us? I wondered.

But the question left my mind almost as soon as it entered it. At that moment, it didn’t really matter if the energy between us was sexual or friendly or something else.

I would keep my eyes on his and let his gaze soak into me.

Are we friends or more?

One of the coolest things about being in an open relationship is not just the fact that you can have multiple romantic partners at once.

It’s that all of your relationships, new and old, become more fluid. There’s not as much of a pressure to define a new interaction with an acquaintance or stranger as friendly, romantic, or something else. As @hilliamwilliam recently put it on Instagram:



Sarah Stroh

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