I Have the Feels for Another Man and to My Relief, I Still Love My Partner

Now I’m more sure than ever romantic love is not a zero-sum game

Sarah Stroh


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

I’m still a little starry-eyed thinking about the other night.

When I spotted Ludo at the canal where we were to meet, I felt my nerves rise. In his tweed coat and knit scarf, he walked toward me blocking the light of the street lamp with his imposing stature as we hugged.

This was our second date, and I still wasn’t sure what to think about this Frenchman.

The first time we hung out, we went for a walk during our lunch breaks and learned we had a few things in common. Both of us are children of one immigrant parent who cared more about us assimilating to the place we were born than teaching us their native tongue. Both of us lived in Asia for a while. Both of us already have one partner we love. And both of us are interested in kink, sex parties, and non-monogamy. So there was all that.

There weren’t any fireworks on that first encounter, but I enjoyed his company enough to want to see him again. So here we were on our second date, now sitting on a stoop on the bridge enjoying drinks we got at the corner store.



Sarah Stroh

For a freer, sexier, less lonely world. IG: monogamish_me. Coaching, free weekly email and more - > https://linktr.ee/monogamish_me