It Sucks When Your Partner Is Getting More Out of Polyamory Than You Are

As my partner goes on a date, I feel my inner five-year-old coming out

Sarah Stroh


Photo of author being very envious

There was a time in my life where I’ve let envy get the best of me. For example, one Saturday at age five, I was in the front seat with my mom picking up my big brother from a playdate.

Soon after he got in the car, it came to light that he and his friend had had ice cream earlier that day.

My blood began to boil. “I want ice cream too!” I yelled.

But my mother said I couldn’t have any because it was almost time for dinner.

“But that’s not fair!” I screamed as tears flowed down my cheeks. I began to throw a full-on temper tantrum, until at some point, feeling powerless and like it was my only possible recourse against this life or death matter, I pulled the emergency brake of the car as my mother was driving it.

The car came to a halt. (I thought I’d stopped it with my e-brake move, but in hindsight, my mother must have hit the brake.)

I was too young to remember all the details, but all I know is when the car actually stopped, I knew I’d done something really wrong. My mother yelled at me of course. She told me I could have hurt everyone in the car.



Sarah Stroh

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