January Product Update

Published in
3 min readFeb 8, 2019

We’re blitzing through 2019, and it’s been a pretty chock-a-block start to the year. The Token Product and Engineering teams are still dividing their time between two big projects; building out the Smart Contract, and getting everything working on the card side.

If you check out our product timeline @ ProductPlan, here’s what’s new:

1. External penetration testing

2. End-to-end card testing

3. Updated design for ordering the TokenCard, and topping it up

4. App Store approval from Apple

External penetration testing

We’ve spoken a lot about the lengths we’re going to in order to ensure (or get as close to ensuring as possible) that the TokenApp and TokenCard are as secure as they can be. We’re doing this is for a number of reasons — not only does it help us do right by you, our Community, but it also better allows us to fulfil our regulatory obligations.

A big part of that is self-certifying against the PCI compliance framework. This month, as part of the PCI process, we invited some external auditors in to review our code and see if they can break things — the auditors had complete and free roam in order to get the most out of the penetration testing. Based on their report, we’ll make any necessary changes.

End-to-end testing

As we move through the Alpha, our mantra is test-test-test! In addition to the technical tests that we’ve been running within the Product and Engineering team, we’re also testing the UX — how using the card feels, how it works compared with what you would expect, etc. — with our programme manager to understand the best ways to test the card and the wallet, ahead of signing off the TokenCard and TokenApp with our programme manager.

We’d really like to put together a write-up of the tests we’re doing — what specifically we’re testing, why we’re doing, and how you’ll be able to get involved once a TokenCard is in your hand. It’s a long and super interesting to-do list; we’ll look to post this in the coming weeks!

TokenCard app design updates

On the TokenApp front, we’re working in parallel on improvements to various flows in the app. The main two items that the Product team have been looking at this month have been the TokenCard order flow, and the TokenCard top-up flow, so that they look and feel great, are easy to use, and really convey the magic of what we’re building — we’re itching to show you how these look…

Keep your eyes peeled on Twitter @tokencard_io 👀

App Store approval from Apple

If you’ve been following on our Community Discord server, you will have noticed that at the end of the year we were getting everything lined up to submit the TokenCard app to Apple for review. The last items we had to tick off before sending the TokenCard app for approval were the Privacy Policy, Terms of Service, and various Marketing materials.

This month we’re happy to announce that we’ve been approved by Apple to list on the App Store! This comes off the back of months of work from whole team.

The App Store approval notification 🎉

So you’re aware, the app is now pending developer release, which means that it’s up to us when we set it live. Before we do that, however, we’ll need to be live on MainNet. The Product and Engineering team are working around the clock to make the move to MainNet happen, and we’ll keep you updated as we make progress on that front!!

Until next time, thanks!




Monolith is the world’s first DeFi wallet and accompanying Visa debit card made for spending crypto assets anywhere.