Peek Into Monolith: 3 dashboards to follow our growth

Published in
4 min readAug 14, 2020

Since our earliest days, we’ve welcomed the idea of following our growth on-chain. Usually, this is done by browsing the various EtherScan links to our contracts. Though this is standard procedure, and ‘par for the course’ for long-term Ethereum users, it can be intimidating for those just discovering the space.

Luckily for us, one of our French community members (Jason), along with Brice — our community manager, have been working on an easier solution to follow Monolith’s main metrics. We are happy to announce that the first iteration is ready.

It consists of:

  • Three dashboards
  • This article providing a bit more context on each

Let’s go a bit deeper into this, shall we?

α/ Monolith’s basic infrastructure

  1. Each Monolith user deploys their own instance of the Contract Wallet, notarizing their relationship with their tokens on the Ethereum network.
  2. If they are an EEA resident and wish to order a Monolith Visa Debit Card, they can apply for a card. Several verification steps are undertaken to ensure compliance with know your customer (KYC) and money laundering regulations.
  3. To put money on their card — so-called ‘top-up’ they sell tokens for a GBP or EURO balance (top-up). In this process, a 1 % contribution is sent to the Community Chest. TKN holders can redeem their pro-rata share of the chest at any time.

Note: While these dashboards are a massive improvement over EtherScan, they are not exhaustive yet — actual figures can be higher. If you want to help improve them, please do! Please reach out to let us know, and if the work was useful we will happily provide some TKN for your hard work!

A/ Monolith Wallets

The first dashboard presents data related to Monolith Contract Wallets the backbone of your Monolith account; where the tokens are stored.

The first dashboard presents data related to Monolith Contract Wallets

The first line focuses on the tokens stored in Monolith Wallets. Here you’ll find an ETH & USD representation of the total value of ERC20 tokens stored in all Monolith Wallets by month and with historical evolution. Below this, you’ll find information on the total number of wallets deployed & the main tokens stored in them.

B/ Cryptofloat (Card Top-Ups)

The second dashboard focuses on the card top-ups — That is, when our users sell a token for a fiat balance. Here, you’ll find there a dollar estimate for the total value of card top-ups. You’ll also find stats on the tokens used & historical data on how this has grown.

The second dashboard focuses on the card top-ups

Please note: These numbers in this dashboard are an estimation and conveyed at today’s conversion rate. As the rate is not true to the value of the token at the time, it should not be treated as exact. If you’d like to contribute a solution to this, we’d love to hear from you []

C/ Community Chest

The third dashboard relates to our Community Chest — that is the contract storing the 1% commission on card top-ups to which TKN holders are entitled. Here, you’ll be able to explore some historical data around this, as well as the distribution between ETH and the various ERC20 tokens.

The community chest receives many different tokens, some tokens which prices are not available on Dune Analytics yet, are not represented on that graph, you can see them on Etherscan.

The third dashboard relates to our Community Chest

Naturally, you might wonder when looking at the historical chart what is the reason for spikes?

The answer lies with the different versions of our wallet. Our service has been running for more than a year, and some of the older versions of the wallet do not automatically contribute to the chest. Each of these spikes represents a manual contribution to the contract, resulting in a visual rebalance (spike). We’re in the process of migrating our userbase to the latest version of the contract wallet, so more and more contributions are being collected dynamically, so you’ll see fewer spikes in future.

Made possible by Jason & Dune Analytics

To make the data easier to read and understand, we used Dune Analytics, a fantastic service to create dashboards which can track on-chain Ethereum events. Their team was incredibly responsive and helpful, and we wish to thank Fredrik specifically for his support!

Once we had the majority of Monolith smart contracts processed on Dune, one of our French community members, Jason, stepped in to arrange the data in a comprehensive manner. Feel free to say hi or to thank him on Discord (‘@Bung’) if you appreciate his work!

Don’t trust, verify

All the dashboards presented above are representations of on-chain Ethereum data. You’ll find the addresses of the contracts here:




Monolith is the world’s first DeFi wallet and accompanying Visa debit card made for spending crypto assets anywhere.