Tokencard August 17th Community Update

Dwight Sproull
Published in
2 min readAug 17, 2017

Happy Thursday everyone! We’re another week closer to launch, and we’ve got some great updates for you today.

Community members visited our office!

Last week we invited five users from the Tokencard community to individual sessions at our London office so we could show them an early version of the app designs and get their feedback. I think I can speak for the entire Tokencard team when I say that we really do believe in the community aspect of blockchain. There are so many bright and talented users who have engaged with us, and being able to bring them in and get their input is only going to make our project better for having included them.

Our community members gave us some ideas to help us further refine our proposition, and in general we had a great session where we talked about what Tokencard can do to meet the needs of our users. We’ve passed the feedback to the development team at New Alchemy in Seattle, and they’re going to incorporate the suggestions to help steer the development process.

Back end developments

  • Additional use cases have been implemented and adjusted for
  • Key focus has been on security and authentication
  • Still moving on schedule, with no significant hangups as of the time of publication

Front of house developments

We had to spend some time last week moving to our new office space, which happens to have been used previously for a bank. We thought it was a bit symbolic, given our mission to replace banks. London is a very competitive market already, and blockchain projects are red hot right now, so having a pleasant office space to work in is an important consideration for many potential team members.

We’re looking to expand our repertoire of community engagement tools and activities, so look for an announcement in the next couple of weeks with more details about this.

We’re currently working on a complete redesign of the website to better match the current status of the project and to begin setting ourselves up for the MVP event. This is long overdue, we know, but we think you’re going to like the new design.

Keep following us on Medium, and don’t forget to join our community on Discord.



Dwight Sproull

Blockchain enthusiast, metalhead, video game lover, rpg aficionado