Tokencard Community Update- July 25

Dwight Sproull
Published in
3 min readJul 25, 2017

Enterprise Ethereum Alliance

On July 18th, Tokencard officially joined the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance. It’s a big move for our project, and the possibilities it opens up are only limited by the imagination. Mel had this to say:

“Within the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance TokenCard can provide members with a vital service that can maximise general public access to their platform.”

Screenshot from EEA website

Since Tokencard is a consumer facing brand, there are two kinds of partnerships we’re working focusing on. There are technology partnerships, where we work with another company to share technology that makes both projects better, and there are branding and access partnerships, where we will provide the users of other projects with custom cards.

Being a member of the EEA offers another key benefit as well: networking. When you group up a lot of good projects under one banner and encourage communication and the free flow of ideas, good things are going to happen. You get the valuable perspective of other teams who can give you insights that you might miss when you’re in the bubble of your own project. For these reasons we’re looking forward to future events where we can meet up with other members of the EEA and help push the Ethereum ecosystem forward.

TokenCard is attending the official EEA meetup in London this week.

Tokencard Unaffected By Parity Hack

On July 19th, parties unknown exploited a vulnerability in the Parity multisig wallet, which allowed them to move a large amount of funds from several wallets and transfer the funds to wallets under the control of the attackers. Tokencard was not affected by this, and we’ve taken additional precautions to safeguard the operational funds that were collected during our ICO.

It’s regretful that there are so many bad actors out there, but we understand that these attacks will continue. The perpetrators are attempting to launder the funds through exchanges, and it’s our hope that the crypto community can come together on this and help make services more secure in the future.

Tokencard community engagement is now on Discord, not Slack

As many of you are aware, there are ongoing phishing attempts using the Slack interface, and it’s happening across a wide range of crypto project Slack communities. The Slack team is taking a hand’s off approach to this and providing very little support, so we’ve decided to move to Discord to conduct our community outreach. We’re maintaining the Slack channel as a read-only announcements platform, and you can still message our community management team there. Reminder: Never click on links that you’re not sure about, and always read the full link to make sure it’s spelled correctly. The current phishing scams are trying to redirect people to slightly misspelled versions of MyEtherWallet.

That’s it for this week. Next week we’ll give you more technical updates.

The Tokencard Team



Dwight Sproull

Blockchain enthusiast, metalhead, video game lover, rpg aficionado