Tokencard September 1st Community Update

Dwight Sproull
2 min readSep 1, 2017


The core TokenCard team in London. Eliott our brilliant PM is on his honeymoon. We miss you Eliott!

It’s the end of August and though we feel sad saying goodbye to what has been an amazing summer, some very memorable times lay ahead.

Interesting things have been happening in our London office over the past week. Our new creative director has come onboard and is currently focused on refining our brand and user experience. We continue to work with the New Alchemy team in Seattle and have made significant progress on the user interface screens and the security aspects of the app.

The revamp of the website is one of our top priorities and we will be rolling this out in the next few weeks. In the meantime, we have updated our current website to make it more user relevant. The new designs we are currently working are much more streamlined, and we look forward to sharing these in the forthcoming release of the new website.

Backend infrastructure and systems are almost completely in place to support smooth operations of the MVP. We understand the importance of robust backend systems and remain committed to building a best in class product!

Our initial concept of the MVP consisted of a less than optimal user-interface, but we realised that to make the MVP more meaningful for our users, we are now planning to include a more user friendly app interface. This would push our MVP launch to end of the year but would result in a more comprehensive product.

The TokenCard summit we had recently where we caught up with our Seattle team.

However… we’d like to use October 2nd as a chance to meet and thank you guys in person. It has been long over-due! So, if you are based in London, please keep the date free and watch this space for the registration link! Based on the response, we shall consider making this a monthly recurring feature

In other exciting news, we are going to be in San Francisco for TOKEN FEST in March 2018 and hope to meet the community there. We would like to end our update by sharing a picture of our London office. We look forward to meeting some of you in the not-so-distant future!


Tokencard Team



Dwight Sproull

Blockchain enthusiast, metalhead, video game lover, rpg aficionado