Tokencard Weekly Update- August 7th, 2017

Dwight Sproull
Published in
2 min readAug 7, 2017

This week some great things are happening with Tokencard. Our development team over at New Alchemy continues to make excellent progress on the technical roadmap, even though we’ve added additional scope to our requirements.

Tokencard has a basic prototype! Not just an interface with the equivalent of moving pdfs, but an actual prototype with basic functionality on our test device. I’d love to share some screenshots, but we want to hold off and show our users a more polished version of it once we’re at that phase.

Integration with our card issuer WaveCrest is very close to completion. At this point we’re just testing edge cases to make sure the magic happens for everyone when they swipe or tap their Tokencard, no matter where they are.

Our server architecture has been defined and the first prototype services are ready to deploy to production.

Starting next week, we’ll begin reaching out to individuals within our user community so they can test our prototype and give us feedback on it. This first round of testing is very likely going to be the friends and family stage, but we will let you know as soon as we’re ready to have long-term supporters get first access to test versions of the app.

On the business development side, we’re continuing to pursue several partnerships that will add additional functionality and services to TKN holders and future customers. For these deployable services, we’re working on integrating them into our technical roadmap so that we can make them available to users as soon as possible. We’re being obsessive with quality control here, and we don’t want to rush new features to production until we’re absolutely certain that they’ll work as advertised.

We’ve added a few more team members to our London office. We hope to add their bios in a future update. We’ve hired a product manager who we believe will do great things for pushing the progress of Tokencard forward. In addition to this we’ve got a creative director who will be joining us very soon, to make sure that Tokencard user interface, brand and creative materials are top notch. Last, but not least, we’ve hired a financial data analyst who is going to help us fine tune our services and identify new markets where Tokencard can be successful.

That’s it for this week. Don’t forget to join us on Discord if you have any questions or if you just want to talk Tokencard and find out more about our project.



Dwight Sproull

Blockchain enthusiast, metalhead, video game lover, rpg aficionado