MonoX is LIVE on Mainnet!

MonoX Team
3 min readOct 20, 2021


🚀 We’re live!

We’re proud to announce that Monoswap AMM is now live on Ethereum and Polygon mainnet!

Users can deposit into our single-sided liquidity pools for improved capital efficiency, lower trading fees, and reduced impermanent loss.

Our Product will launch initially without a token. We’ll still be doing a public sale in the near future and early adopters will be eligible for a retroactive airdrop.

You can supply liquidity for the below Official Pools:





Dapp Link:

🎈 Referrals Program and Retroactive Airdrop

In conjunction with our referral program, we’re launching a retroactive airdrop. Given the current climate on airdrops, we wanted to be completely transparent and open to the community on the requirements.


Part One: Liqudity and Referred Liquidity

Each user will be ranked with a score based on the amount of liquidity they have provided directly or indirectly to our Official Pools.

User scores will be comprised of:

  • Liquidity Deposited
  • Referred Liquidity Deposited
  • Length of time liquidity is deposited
  • To thank our early community members a 10% bonus will be applied to all addressed that used our beta product

To learn more about the airdrop methodology check out our Docs.

**The Airdrop will be distributed two weeks after TGE (Date still TBD)

How to Get Your Referral Link

  1. Connect your wallet and click on your wallet address
  2. Click on ‘Copy Referral Code” it will give you a personal referral link that you can share based on your connected wallet.

Part Two: Surprise Factors

The second part of the airdrop will be distributed another two weeks after Part One. Participants can use their $MONO tokens to vote and choose one of four surprise factors to be considered.

The team will propose two factors, and the community will propose two factors. Then there will be a DAO vote for which factor we will use to determine Airdrop distributions. We will release more details closer to the date.

For example, factors that could be included for Part Two:

  • Swaps (trade volume)
  • Total number of addresses referred
  • New pools created with a positive vCASH balance
  • Liquidity for trustless pools
  • Referred liquidity for trustless pools.

Part Two will be distributed two weeks after Part One. (Date still TBD)

BOTH Airdrops will be distributed on Polygon

US and Chinese Citizens cannot participate in the airdrop.

About MonoX

MonoX introduces the premier bootstrap decentralized exchange, Monoswap. Project owners can list their tokens without the burden of capital requirements and focus on using funds for building the project instead of providing liquidity.

It works by grouping deposited tokens into a virtual pair with our own vCASH stablecoin, to offer a single token pool design.

MonoX will revolutionize the DeFi ecosystem by fixing the capital inefficiencies of current protocol models. With lower trading fees, capital efficiency, and zero-capital token launching — MonoX will expand the capabilities of DeFi.

📱 Stay Connected

Follow our official social media accounts and visit our website to stay up to date.

Website | Documentation | Twitter | Telegram | Discord


Be careful of fake Telegram groups, and Twitter accounts trying to impersonate MonoX. $MONO tokens ARE NOT in circulation.

Always verify that you are on our official Twitter page, Telegram group, or Discord.

