v2018.3.10 — What’s New: Accounts, Improvements and the UI Refresh

Eric Jiang
Published in
2 min readJul 4, 2018

We believe in tailoring the experience of our application to everyone. Today, we were excited to pushed out our newest update to MonPlan.

With a lot of cool features such as Monash Login, The 20% performance and AX rating improvement, Material UI refresh, new unit card redesign (see image) and the migration of the service to the Australian instance of GCP!

New Unit Cards

Something that we have found is that our ‘Unit Cards’ or just Units are really hard to distinguish — no-one knew what the colour meant. It could have meant faculty, error and it was too hard to distinguish between. So part of the redesign is to drill into people’s heads that colour’s mean faculty or the unit itself — for those who knows that the colours mean faculty, your good. We have removed it, we just made it more cleaner and you’ll see why.

The Unit’s faculty is now on the side with the same color and a 3 letter code. Errored units are more clearer this way too.

Another thing you can directly see is that we have removed the delete unit button, its now a 2-click process: this is for two reasons:

  1. can support touch devices
  2. more steps to delete a unit: making it harder to remove, and will prevent you from accidentally deleting the unit.

Monash Login

Something that we always wanted is to tailor the experience for students, allowing you to save your plans to your own accounts. Today, the old Firebase login has been completely replaced with the Monash login system via Okta. The application is currently accessible to only Australian Students Only, but over the next couple of months we will slowly be rolling this out.

Goodbye Japan, and Hello Sydney!

It’s time to 👋 say goodbye to the old MonPlan instance. We first started MonPlan on GCP in Japan, today that’s been succesfully migrated over to new instance in Australia, you’ll find it’s slightly faster and better performing.

We have also done the following:

  • Ensured site is GDPR-compliant
  • Deprecation of some internal code
  • Deprecation of some service workers
  • Performance upgrades of around 20%
  • Improved Accessiblity Rating by around 20%

As always, we love feedback. So feel free to provide feedback to us whether its by email or in person, its always awesome to receive feedback.



Eric Jiang
Editor for

I build software, travel and take photos | 👨‍💻 GitHub: github.com/ericjiang97 |👀 Views are my own