Recipe: Berry Matcha Smoothie

for those speedy mornings

Monica Hsu
Mon's Menu
2 min readAug 7, 2018


Whenever I visit my grandmother’s house, I guzzle down at least one smoothie per day. It’s pretty magical — like, the I-deep-cleaned-my-entire-digestive-system kind of magical.

But this, in fact, is not the kind of smoothie you’d get at Jamba or even a super hipster-healthy aćai cafe. No, this is…. pretty much a pureed salad, and pretty much tastes like what it sounds like.

Mmmm… pureéd salad.

As much as I love this smoothie (and my grandma), it really shows that not all smoothies are created equal. In fact, one smoothie is never exactly like the other. Just like us humans.

There is one smoothie that I have grown impartial to, however, which I make over and over again. It is my one true love.. the Berry Matcha Smoothie. It is incredibly simple, nutritious, and doesn’t require much thinking. Exactly what I need these mornings.

Here’s the recipe & a little nutrition breakdown:

Berry Matcha Smoothie

  • 1/2 frozen banana
  • 1/2 cup frozen berries
  • your handful of spinach
  • non-dairy milk to barely cover ingredients
  • matcha powder
  • optional: collagen or protein powder

Nutritional Breakdown:

  • Potassium from the banana
  • Antioxidants from the berries
  • Fiber & iron from the spinach
  • A kick of smooth energy from the caffeine in matcha
  • Protein from the…. well, protein powder.

It’s a wonderful and delicious blend that never fails. But I just know you have a secret recipe too… what’s in your smoothie?





Monica Hsu
Mon's Menu

Monica is a yoga instructor and coffee lover living in Santa Monica, CA. Her goal is to help you re-discover the joy of eating the food you love.