Mint Chip Ice Cream Cake

and the thoughts i had after

Monica Hsu
Mon's Menu
3 min readAug 19, 2018


The last time I remember eating ice cream cake was like at my 9th grade ice skating birthday party… it’s seriously been that long.

*drool face emoji*

The occasion for this beautiful creation was my mom’s 50th birthday, and also because my grandparents are ice cream experts. Fun fact: my grandparents first gig in America was an ice cream shop! This is like my second best fun fact, right behind me being featured on AFV for falling into a cake.

I still have memories of their ice cream shop before they closed it and moved to LA. My grandma used to lift me up and glide me across the ice cream case and ask me what flavor I wanted. I always wanted the bubble gum. You know, the bright blue ice cream with the multi-colored bubble gum pieces that were too frozen to even chew? Yeah, that was my fav.

Ice cream has always been my dessert of choice, and often times how I end my day. However, this piece of ice cream cake ensued a whole lot of guilt and negative thoughts…

I labeled this piece of cake, “unhealthy”. Like, right away. My first thoughts:

  1. I can only have a sliver… this cake has way too much sugar and dairy.
  2. I know if I eat this, I’m going to feel awful afterwards.
  3. I just don’t deserve this.

Even though I had my loved ones around me and the occasion was momentous, all I could think about was how this cake was going to ruin my body and put me out of control. That, my friends, is not freedom and is not what I want for my life at all.

For those of you who know me, you know that I’ve worked hard to get to a point where I can love my body the way I did before, and just believe that it is worth all the nourishment and love it was created to have. It is so bizzare to me how this one simple food item could turn all that around in a matter of seconds.

I know I’m not alone in this, and that there are many girls out there who struggle with food anxiety. Even with “healthy” foods like peanut butter or a piece of bread can ensue these thoughts, let alone a giant piece of ice cream cake. As I’m processing this, I’m actually on a walk… and that’s the first step (no pun intended) to get over all of this. I’m on a walk to process the reasoning behind why I feel this way. I know I won’t get the answers I want right away, but I’m okay with that. I’m okay with the time it’s going to take for me to step into the full freedom God has for me. I’m glad you’re here to join along…

peaceful scenes from my walk in torrance





Monica Hsu
Mon's Menu

Monica is a yoga instructor and coffee lover living in Santa Monica, CA. Her goal is to help you re-discover the joy of eating the food you love.