Developing Server-less applications with Spring Boot

Sanim Khan
Monstar Lab Bangladesh Engineering
6 min readAug 7, 2019


Photo by from Pexels

This article consists of 4 parts-

  1. What is Server-less Architecture?
  2. Key benefits of Server-less Architecture.
  3. What is Spring Cloud Function?
  4. Developing Server-less application with Spring Cloud Function.

What is Server-Less Architecture?

Let’s think about a development approach where we neither need to configure an infrastructure nor maintain it. However it’s not possible!

As long as we need to host our application in a server, we need to configure and maintain infrastructure as well.

Server-less Architecture
Server-less Architecture

# But what if the infrastructure is configured and maintained by someone else, we just need to develop and deploy our application?

# What if we don’t need to pay for the server just because it is running, rather pay only for the application usage?

That is Server-less Architecture.

Server-less architecture is an execution model of Cloud Computing where the cloud provider-

  • Runs the server and hosts the application.
  • Dynamically allocates machine resources to the application.
  • Charges application cost as per resource usage.

Key benefits of Server-less Architecture

Evolution of Cloud
Evolution of Cloud
  • No Server or OS to configure.
  • Can be scaled automatically. Or can achieve custom scalability very easily. So no need to create any specialized scalable architecture.
  • Server-less application has built in availability and fault tolerance. So no need to have any specialized infrastructure.
  • No idle capacity. Pay only for use.

What is Spring Cloud Function?

Spring Cloud Function
Spring Cloud Function

# Spring Cloud Function is a project by Spring Pivotal team which provides-

  • All server-less benefits to an application.
  • Spring features like- dependency injection, auto-configuration.
  • Build tools features like- testing, continuous delivery, run locally.
  • Adapters for Cloud providers like- AWS Lambda, Azure etc.

# Spring Cloud Function aims to achieve some high level goals like-

  • Enable Spring Boot features on cloud providers.
  • Use function to implement business logic. Use the same function as RESTful service, stream processing app or a task.
  • Separate business logic development from specific runtime target.
  • Establish a common programming model among server-less providers.

For more detail check here-

Developing Server-less application with Spring Cloud Function

I hope by now we have clear idea about what Server-less application is. Now let’s jump into the development of a simple server-less application with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Function.

We will create a Standalone Web application.

1. Create project

To start with, we will need to create a Spring Boot project. We can use Spring Initializr to create a simple project.

Create Spring project
Create Spring project

2. Add dependencies

Now we need to add spring-cloud-starter-function-web dependency. It will act as the local adapter and will introduce necessary dependencies to the project to run function in local environment.


3. Declare Function With @Bean

Function can be created in class body. Annotating method with @Bean will expose the function as an endpoint.

# Let’s create 3 functions, and check how they work when exposed as endpoints.

public class Controller {

public Function<String, String> function() {

return input -> input;

public Consumer<String> consume() {

return input -> {
System.err.println("Input-" + input);

public Supplier<String> supply() {

return () -> "Hello from Supplier";

Spring Cloud Function provides 3 types of wrapper for @Bean.

  • Function- accepts input and returns output.
  • Consumer- accepts input, does not return anything .
  • Supplier- does not accept input, only returns output.

# Now we will run the application and check the endpoints.

Build application- mvn clean install

Run application- java -jar target/spring-cloud-function-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

# Check endpoints-


$ curl http://localhost:8080/function/SpringCloud
> SpringCloud

What do we find here?

- String parameter “SpringCloud” has been passed to the method function().

- Method returned a String response.


$ curl http://localhost:8080/consume/SpringCloud

What do we find here?

- As Consumer does not not return any output, endpoint did not send any response.

- Console printed response as per method logic.


$ curl http://localhost:8080/supply
> Hello from Supplier

What do we find here?

- As Supplier does not accept any input, nothing was passed to the endpoint.

- Endpoint sent a String response.

# What is common for all 3 methods is-

  • All @Bean annotated method has been exposed as HTTP endpoint.
  • Method name is endpoint URI.

4. Declare Function With Class

Function can also be declared by creating a class that implements the Function Interface.

# Let’s keep the thing simple and create a Function that will-

  • accept a String input.
  • return Integer as output.

a. Create class-

public class GetLength implements Function<String, Integer> {
public Integer apply(String value) {
return value.length();

b. Classpath scanning-
For class based Function we need to enable classpath scanning. Add below code to file-

# Re run the application and check the endpoint-

$ curl http://localhost:8080/getLength/SpringCloud
> 11

What do we find here?

- String parameter “SpringCloud” has been passed to the endpoint.

- Endpoint returned input length Integer as response.

- Class name is endpoint URI.

Pretty simple, right? Just create a @Bean annotated function, or a “Function” implemented class. And you will get a fully functional endpoint, with all Spring features available.

# But practically our endpoints would need more flexibility with POJO and JSON support. So lets create another endpoint which-

  • accepts JSON data as input maps that it into a model.
  • and returns JSON output with model.

a. Create POJO

public class Model {
private String value;

public String getValue() {
return value;

public void setValue(String value) {
this.value = value;


b. With @Bean- Extend Controller class with a reverseString() function

public Function<Model, Model> reverseString() {
return model -> {
String reverseString = new StringBuilder(model.getValue()).reverse().toString();
return model;

c. With Class- Create a class

public class Uppercase implements Function<Model, Model> {
public Model apply(Model model) {
String upperCase = model.getValue().toUpperCase();
return model;

# Run the application and check the endpoints-

Reverse String-

$ curl -d '{"value": "Spring Cloud"}' -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/reverseString
> {"value":"duolc gnirpS"}


$ curl -d ‘{“value”: “New User”}’ -H “Content-Type: application/json” -X POST http://localhost:8080/uppercase
> {“value”:”NEW USER”}

What do we find here?

- JSON data for Model has been passed to the endpoint.

- Endpoint sent a JSON response with same POJO.

Check this Github link for Sample application of Spring Cloud Function.

What this article does not cover

  • When to use- Server-less application is not a one stop solution for all types of web application. This post does not cover when to use Server-less architecture and when not to.
  • Deploy to AWS lambda- AWS Lambda is a widely used Cloud provider. Our application needs some changes before we deploy it to AWS Lambda.

In my next article I will try to cover those areas.


Server-less architecture can reduce development time and cost by eliminating the need of configuring and managing a infrastructure.

Though still growing up, Spring Cloud Function is a powerful tool for decoupling the business logic from any deployment profile. It facilitates developer to use the same code as web endpoint, cloud function or a stream.

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Sanim Khan
Monstar Lab Bangladesh Engineering

Solution Architect with 10+ years in Java backend and leadership. Passionate about data, now diving into data analysis, learning, and applying new insights.