8 Types of Friends You Should Have In Your Life

To thrive in life, you need friends like these. Make sure to add these 8 types of friends to your life.

The Love Blog
Monster Alley
5 min readJul 26, 2022


Photo by Duy Pham on Unsplash


When it comes to friendships, we all have different needs and wants. Some people are more introverted, while others crave social interaction all the time. The good news is that there are plenty of types of friends out there who can fulfil your various needs for companionship. Here are eight types of friends you should have in your life.

The funny friend:

The funny friend. This is the one who makes you laugh, but it’s not because he or she is intentionally trying to be funny. It’s just that your sense of humour aligns so well with theirs, and they’re so aware of the ridiculousness of life that they can’t help but make you laugh in return.

As much as we’d all like to think that our friends are all good people who know how to have fun and enjoy life (or at least don’t necessarily intend for us to feel bad about ourselves), there are still some bad apples out there — and those bad apples tend not only be mean-spirited but also apathetic: They don’t care if someone else has a bad day or feels down because they’re too busy being miserable themselves! The best way around this situation? By finding someone who takes pride in making sure everyone around them feels good about themselves.

The honest friend:

An honest friend will tell you the truth, regardless of how it might affect them. They may not always say what they think you want to hear, but they tell you when something’s wrong and how they feel about it. An honest friend is someone who can be trusted with your secrets and will never betray those trust by telling others about them.

The opposite of an honest friend is someone who tries to manipulate relationships for their benefit or gain — this could be through lying, cheating or stealing from others (or themselves). We all must take responsibility for our actions so we don’t put ourselves in situations where there’s no way out because our actions have led us down this path!

The supportive friend:

A supportive friend is the type of person who is there for you when you need them. They’re also not afraid to tell you when you are wrong, and they aren’t afraid to tell you when they see something in your life that needs improvement.

This is what makes the supportive friend so important: knowing that someone will be there for you no matter what happens, whether it’s a bad day at work or if your dog keeps eating all their toys.

The friend who’s the opposite of you:

The opposite of you is the friend who’s the exact opposite of you. They may be of a different gender, ethnicity or nationality; they could even have a different religious upbringing or political ideology. But they share something with you: they are your mirror image!

Opposites attract because they help each other learn more about themselves and grow in their way by seeing things from another perspective. They can also be good for each other because there will always be something new to discuss with someone who thinks differently than you do about life’s challenges (or whatever topic happens to come up).

The loyal friend:

You should have a loyal friend. They are faithful and trustworthy, they will never leave you, they’re not afraid to tell you the truth, and they’re willing to forgive when you make mistakes.

A loyal friend will also tell you when you’re wrong and encourage your growth as a person — even if it means saying so in their own words instead of doing something for them (like giving them money).

The no-nonsense friend:

You should have one or two friends who are honest and don’t sugarcoat things, but also aren’t so blunt that they hurt your feelings. They’re the kind of people who will call you out on your flaws, but not in a mean way.

Being honest about your shortcomings and strengths doesn’t make you look weak — it makes for a more productive relationship!

The adventurous friend:

  • Adventurous people are always up for trying new things.
  • They’re always up for a challenge, and they can even be very competitive at times.
  • They’re looking for ways to have fun and be creative, so you should keep these people in your life!

Your childhood bestie.

Your childhood bestie is the person who you can rely on when you need someone to talk to, although they may not always understand what it’s like to be in your shoes. They’ll always be there, no matter what happens.

You should make sure that this person knows that they’re special, too! If they’re friends with other people and don’t know how much their friendship means, tell them right away so that they can feel proud of themselves (and maybe even help out).

Surround yourself with as many of these types of people as possible to have a healthy and happy life filled with friendship.

It’s not just about having friends, though. It’s also about being able to spend time with your friends and having fun together. You need to be able to laugh with them and share in their happiness, even if you don’t always feel like doing so yourself at the moment. Having a good sense of humour and being able to laugh at things that aren’t funny can make all of your days happier! If you have friends who are willing and able to help support each other during times when one person may need extra support, then that’s awesome! That way everyone gets what they need from the relationship — and no one feels left out or like they’re not contributing enough towards making it work well for everyone involved.

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The next time you’re feeling down, think about who you can call for a quick boost of positivity. These are the people who will lift you and make sure everything is okay. Remember that in life there will always be struggles, but having strong friends around makes them much easier to handle when they come along!



The Love Blog
Monster Alley

The Love blog is a place where you will get informative blogs on relationships, dating, parenting, personal advice. Stay Tune and Love you 3000 ❤️❤️